Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't get confuse :)

I would like to thank all who have transferred your payments to me on time and also dropping me an email at to update me on your payment status. It really made my work so much more convenient :D Thank you. I am really grateful.

Alrite, I shall explain about Bryan's Moisturiser again. Many are confused. I can't wait to have my new website up.... another 2 more months, it will be ready. I have a very nice and helpful volunteer helping me with this. Really grateful to her.

A) Marine Collagen Moisturiser (A kick start if you are first timer)

B) Silk Collagen Moisturiser (same as A, but you can interchange every month)

C) Lotus Revatilising with nano Ginger (not for very sensitive skin). Good to use if your skin is not sensitive. Generate a warming effect, brighten the skin and good prevention of freckles.

D) Lotus Revitalising cream without nano ginger but nano rosehip (All skin types)

E) SPecial Request Extra Rich Nourishing Nite cream

Skin Anti-Oxidant Purifer Day Lotion
Delicate Antioxidant Purifier Hydrating Skin Lotion. Can be used at nite too. For all skin types. For sensitive skin that cannot use moisturiser, but still need to hydrate skin.

For all my moisturisers, I use for day and night. If you really want to have 2 separate moisturisers, you can use Day Lotion during the day as it is light and easy to be absorbed. At night, you can use Collagen Moisturiser.

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