Friday, July 30, 2010

Positive Affirmation Class (Once a year only)

AEFT is a form of alternative psychotherapythat purports to manipulate the body's energy field by tapping on acupuncture points while a specific traumatic memory is focused on, in order to alleviate a psychological problem and health problems.

Bryan 老师 has been practising this method for years. I am conducting this class only once a year, few days before the Moon Cake Festival. Hope you can come for this class and learn.

17 Sep 2010 : Positive Affirmation Class. 7pm to 9pm. A wonderful class where you will learn and heal yourself on spot. Many felt better after a session. You can also use this skill to help your family members. Take note this is not a religious class, but a physio kinetic Energy class.
Tapping with the fingertips on specific meridians on the head and chest, along with voicing positive affirmations, helps to clear out emotional blockages from your system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance. I'm sure you realize that emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing -- the two are inseparably linked.

The first 30 early birds will receive a free gift, an EFT activated crystal :) Cheers.


Anonymous said...

is the affirmation class likely to be outdoor activity?

Anonymous said...

please read the post, is in a class la.