Thursday, July 29, 2010

Take for granted

"We take things for granted". Sounds familiar isn't it? We hear this almost everyday but how many people actually contemplate on it.

I did this morning. As I ate my sunshine bread, a sudden thought came to my mind. This bread does not come by easily.

Bread, a simple common food that we get to eat everyday. Some people do not fancy the bread skin, they slice it away....some people simply threw away their bread when they cannot finish it. Such small gestures are as easy as ABC. Little did these people realised how much effort and hardwork was put in for each and every grain of wheat. From the farmer, the packer, transportation and finally mum, who bought the bread for the family.

When I think of this, my heart felt the warmth of gratitude and joy. I truely appreciate what I am eating. Hmmm....perhaps you are too overwhelmed with stress, despicable people in office and illness pain now. Step back and take a look. Life is so nice. Let Go and Let God. I meant this from the bottom of my heart.

Express your gratitude for what you have, you will invite more good things to come your way.

17 Sep Power POsitive Affirmation Class. EFT energy tapping is not just a class but a session to heal your body and mind, do come.... It is not religious at all....

By the power of positive thinking, let us affirm our health and life with LOVE & LIGHT.

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