Friday, August 13, 2010

Thank you

Be fit and healthy. Beware of health shops that sell things which are unhealthy or overcharged. I used to have the impression that organic shops sell things which are chemical free. It was only until lately, I realised I was wrong....

Latest Shopping research

A) A month supply of multi vitamins at $120 (Gosh...this is silly)

B) Toothpaste at $18 (I got mouth ulcer after using. Looking at the ingredients...hmm.... not free from SLS or silica Gel , packed with even more chemical. Its so expensive because there's lingzhi extract.) Told myself to open my eyes big big in future.

C) Goji and mangosteen Juice ($100 a bottle) . Not practical for Asians since Goji is readily avaliable. Its more applicable for the western countries.

D) Weird health items that serve no benefits to body system.



Anonymous said...

Very agreed. I think many organic shop should reflect what they are selling. Alot of items from Taiwan and overclaim in health benefits. And always mention about cancer...
And so expensive, end up poor people die first la.!!!

Anonymous said...

Over priced and over claimed got to be selective and do your own research. But off course some products offered are good just like wat lao shi said 'eyes open big big'

Anonymous said...

yeah , is very important, especially their vitamin C can be $85 a month supply which i still prefer to get it from Oranges.

Anonymous said...

I love to watch Hong Kong(Cantonese Songs) Video Clip in Music Therapy. I love to watch this Cantonese drama when i am very young.

I am happy to attend our Bryan's Lao Shi 14/8 Workshop today. Wow, it is raining very heavily today. It is a blessing. God, pls stop the rain early before 10am today.

Anonymous said...

Today is a Auspicious Day based on Chinese Calendar. I buy 3 stalks of purple roses, praying oil & ong lai candle for praying my Kwan Yin Ma, Long Nan & Long Niu. I have played Kwan Yin Ma Mantra CD at my living rm.

3 stalks of roses = I love you, I love my family, I love my Kwan Yin Ma, Long Nan & Long Niu for protecting me fm danger, I love myself & I love & respect my Male Mentor. My 1st Workshop with my Mentor is on 25/4/2008.

I have went brisk walking at the Natural Park with Deep Breathing Exercise & practised Ambitabha Meditation with my Clear Quartz Double Terminator.

I have downloaded 3 Mantra inside my handphone(MP3). I have completed my Numerology & Pendulum Workshop & received my pendulum at SMU yesterday. I feel very happy.

Anonymous said...

I just collected another Version of Free Distribution of Namo Amituofo CD in Hougang.
Yeah, i can totally handfree from my handphone earpiece & totally fm radiation.

I have found Kwan Yin Ma Mantra CD at Blk 685, Hougang Street 61, #01-160 at the price of S$12.80. I have counted left 2 pcs of this Mantra CD at the rack.

Hi Pauline,

May i know do u managed to download yr Mudras (Hand Formations) with Namo Amituofo(Mantra) inside yr handphone(MP3 or thumbdrive)?


Anonymous said...

Hi may i find out where in the blog can i find this Mudras (hand formations) video?

Anonymous said...

U can find this Mantra inside the Video Clip of Mudras (Hand Formations) at to be download inside yr handphone(MP 3).

My nephew, Ray Lim(young children) also love this Mantra. I am really surprised & discovered that i just find out last Sat family gathering.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,

I love to attend yr Part 2, Part 3, Cooking Class, Crystal Practical Class & 5 Element Exercise Class in yr 2008.


Anonymous said...

I do know how to use my ginger oil. Today, i have just purchased my I-Weekly(Mandarin) Magazine No. 668. I am reading more usage of ginger oil & how to use fresh ginger to make as my beverage with receipe given. I need to practise Child posture & soaked my foot with warmwater & ginger oil for 15mins.