Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Companies and Offices

Very delighted to be invited to conduct a workshop on health & beauty for Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. Is your company looking for a good and fun workshop too? Look for Bryan to renew your company stagnant AURA.
Power Beauty & Health talk will be full house very quickly once I complete my workshop for this 2 companies to promote the talk. Delay no further, register now :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody, Gd Morning.

Bryan will teach u how to perform Indian Head Massage, to do demo on Power Bath, taught & learnt a lot of new tips/latest knowledge on Beauty & Health at Power Health & Beauty Workshop.

Dr Phua will teach us how to take care of our Health(what healthy food to eat) at this Workshop. Dr Phua will give us his 4 Secret Receipe to slim down healthy & trimmed our tummy.

Bryan Lao Shi will give us his secret website to learn more abt this Workshop via email. Bryan, he can spk English, Mandarin, Hokkien & Cantonese at all his Workshop.

Anonymous said...

Bryan will teach us 8 minutes Qi Gong of gd health n give us his secret receipe for Sleep & Tummy Nourish Soup. U will learn a lot of new things that Bryan never teach at his precious Workshop before or Blog.

Anonymous said...

hi Bryan,

May i know if i can attend your Power Beauty Health Talk conducted on 29 Oct because i have not attended any of your Workshop before.

Anonymous said...

As a newcomer, u can email to for yr registeration with yr name & mobile number on 29th Oct 2010. U will love this Workshop very much. U can easily register any Workshop with our Bryan Lao Shi in future.

Thk u for yr attention.

Have a nice Wkday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi, Gd Morning.

I have purchased & read thru yr Feng Shui Article on the 7th Mth Ghost Festival. It is so interesting to read I-Weekly(Mandarin) Magazine No. 667 dated 12th August 2010.

I will select one Auspicious Date to go the Singapore Bontanical Garden for recharging my Aura & removed stagnant(negative) energy(Qi) in Aug. I will boil mashed lemongrass & ginger water to increase my frequency.

Thk u for teaching the 4th Mantra to chant for gd health, healing & protection. I love The Medicine Buddha Mantra to chant with my 54 bead Amethyst Mala. I will practise more Mala & Bracelet Breathing EXercise at the Natural Park. I find listerning to the Mantra, it can easily calm my Aura.

I love to watch yr Omhealth Video Clip with so many nice English, Mandarin, Korean & Cantonese songs by introducing yourself, family member, pet & yr Workshop at yr website @ &

Gan En, Xie Xie, Bryan Lao Shi.

See again this Sat, 14/8/2010.

Well Done & Keep It Up.

God bless with love.


Anonymous said...

can anyone teach me how to download bryan's matra from you tube pls.

Gan En,

Anonymous said...

you need to sign-up for a acct. if u hv a gmail acct link to it.