Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Art Therapy Symbol Healing Class conducted by Bryan in Singapore

Color therapy combined with breathing exercise help in many chronic health problems. I hope you can start doing it now..... .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will listern to this song "Driving Myself Insane by Frankie J", slowly covered my left ear lobe gently & stepping on the escalator of the Shopping Mall & dancing in Music Therapy after work. I feel very stressful, physical & mental exhausation after working for one whole day.

I just started to listern another song "I Bruise Easily" by Natsasha Bedingfield by holding my Gui Ren Bag(right palm facing inward & left hand facing outward -suitable for a woman) for my Breathing Exercise inhale & exhale slowly(without doing any counting of my Breath) gently moving my hand slowly at my Heart Chakra & Belly for a few mins each & practised "Wishing Jewel". I feel very shiok after i have completed my Breathing Exercise during my Busride yesterday.

Gui Ren Bag consist of Hematite. Hematite possesses exceptional grounding abilities. Helps you be at ease and keep nervousness a bay. Also a protective stone, whenever you feel the need for protection and face challenge in panickly situation, carry a Hematite stone with you.

It could be crucial meetings, interviews or legal matters - a must for lawyers, as it also aids memory, promotes balance, focus, convergence and concentration of energy. Helps increase courage and well-power. Medically, it is good for kidneys and heart - for high BP patients it reduces rapid pulse, helps and purifies blood.