Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Beginners: The key to good skin... is not too late.

Common FAQ:
A) I have sensitive skin. Sometimes, a new product may result in peeling of skin.....if use wrong products

B).... face condition so so.. with a bit of freckles surfacing. I am dark with sensitive skin. My face gets congest easily if I use the wrong product.

The above conditions are known as skin inbalance dehydrated symtoms. Using of harsh skin care products over a period of time will result in further damage. When we reached the age of 30 years old and above, we cannot afford to dehydrate the skin for more than 2 days. Otherwise, the skin will lost its radiance and become dull very quickly. A deep level hydration for the skin is needed. For sensitive skin, just use the 4 products first. When your skin has strengthen after a month, apply a thin layer of collagen moisturiser after serum once a day.

For beginners or rescue remedies:
A) Cleanse face with Antiage cleanser, followed by Lavendula Vera Flora water and a thick layer of Antiage serum day and night.
B) Scrub your face with Antiage flora facial scrub.

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