Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soya Milk another way of drinking

I can't really take dairy products including milk. Soya milk is my alternative choice. What you see in this picture is not a normal soyamilk..... It is...

Bryan's Beauty and Health Secret Drink

1) Non sugared Soya Milk 350ml
2) Malt sugar 麦芽 5 gram

I drink this thrice a week.

Warm your soyabean milk, followed by add the malt sugar and dissolve it.... Drink it slowly


Nourish lungs, breathless, beautify skin, gentle tonic for the body.

Bryan's Cleanser
1. Tea Tree cleanser (foam type but not drying)
2. Astiquer Antiage cleanser (milk creamy type)

I love these two cleansers. I like to use Astiquer cleanser at night and tea tree cleanser during the day. It depends on individual preferences :)

Key features of cleanser:
Provide normal to dry skin with lasting comfort. Specially formulated to provide normal to dry skin with lasting comfort. Upon contact with water, the cleanser transformed into a very fine texture that generously cushion your skin, while eliminating dirt and impurities, and remove traces of free radicals.

The formulation leaves your skin perfectly cleansed with no tightness or dry feelings.

Antiage Set: Cleanser (astiquer or tea tree) + antiage serum + Flora water + collagen cream( marine collagen cream or synergy power cream) at only $205 with more then 100 testimonials.... yes written testimonials....


Anonymous said...

where can we get this nonsugar soya milk?

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, u can buy jolly bean , mr Bean soya , ask them no need put sugar la....

My goodness.


Anonymous said...

hi Bryan,

The brand 'Pure Harvest Enriched High Calcium Nature's Soy' (Original flavour) can heat up in microwave before drinking?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, i love to drink Soya Bean Drink. I love the super fragrance of this drink. I also love to eat Soya beancurd as my dessert. I will be going to buy one cup of fresh Soya Bean Drink(S$1.50) as my Hot Beverage for morning breakfast on 28/9/10.

fm Sweety Baby

*Bryan Gan* said...

yes u can heat up pure harvest:> no problem one