Monday, September 6, 2010

Testimonial for 3 oil method with Kwa Sa

Picture taken before doing kwa sa with 3 oil method.
Application of 3 oil method on neck and shoulder area.
After gentle kwa for 10 times, purple dots surfaced.
Kwa gently. By the 50th stroke, all the "sa" comes out.
Only the 3 oil has the capability to detox, anti-inflammation....

"Lao shi, my dad has neck shoulder pain for 3 months plus. We tried different therapy method but in vain. I saw your video on 3 oil method. So last week I ordered and try. Amazingly he has recovered 80%. Thank you"
This testimonial was actually in Mandarin, and I translated it.
That's right. 3 oil method has helped many people in aches and cure the roots of aches.... It is indeed a wonderful gift from our Mother Nature. For more details on 3 oil method, check out this link


Anonymous said...

If u r interested to improve yr general health & skin complexion & more radiant, u can watch the Latest Video Clip "3 Oil method for neck & shoulder" dated 29th Aug 2010 by Bryan Lao Shi.

If u r interested to use 3 oils method more effectively in yr daily, u can find them at the previous entries at yr right hand menu - Previous Entries, scrolling down with yr mouse to find Back Neck & Shoulder ache (7) & 3 Oils Method (12) for yr knowledge & exposure by Bryan Lao Shi.

U can read those interesting Reader Comment for yr knowledge. Bryan has replied some Reader Inquiry at his Blog.

Anonymous said...

Kwa Sa = Scraping Method

U must gently pat your shoulder first & relax your neck & shoulder before Kwa Sa(Scraping Method)with your Kwa Sa(Scraping) plate, 3 oils & body lotion.