Saturday, October 2, 2010

Herbal Tea

Not everyone can drink herbal tea especially if you have a weak stomach. Too many cups will weaken your immune system and cause bloated stomach. Drinking it once a week or when needed is very ok.

Well, I will consider the herbal tea recipe(as shown below), to be slight cooling but good to drink once a week, or day after heaty steamboat buffet to retune your system.

Its an ancient recipe, so I do not anyhow add any other ingredients, which may otherwise become too super cooling.

Luo Han Guo 罗汉果 x 1 ($1), Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草 ($1), Gan Cao 甘草 (4 pieces), a pot of water about 3000ml. Wash all ingedients clean and boil for 20minutes. Add brown sugar.
Optional : Add a piece of 党参, if your body type is very weak, and unable to drink too much cooling tea.

Bryan 老师 “Power Beauty & Health Talk" will teach you two soups, for prevention of stomach cancer and chronic bloated stomach.... Have you registered?

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