Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Magnetic Therapy Meet Herbs, Tea and Ah Ma

Another reminder, the next Ah Ma workshop is on 9 July. All my old friends who have not attended, do come.

Bryan 老师, bachelor of science major in IEEE has spent 1 year on school project on magnetic field. Completed a report but no distinction, only got a B+ ! Hahaahahahaa...not bad already in Australia with my Singlish.... hahahhaa.

Just come , its a good and interactive workshop. See you.

MAABT Qi Workshop Confirmed Date:

Date : 9 July 2011

Time : 10am to 12pm

Venue: Bras Basah Complex: Room 04-41

Fees: $55

Ah Ma Secret Recipes and Magnet
i) Magnetic button combined with 5000 years old acuppressure point to energise body in 3 days.

ii) Yin and Yang foodcure to regulate and harmonise your mind and body with actual case studies, and how to make simple herbal porridge for health and beauty. A very powerful ancient recipe. Announced on radio before many aunties waited for 2 years, and I am ready to share now. Lychee Porridge.... Woohooo....
iii) Special Ah-Tan soup (100 years history) that can improve stomach health and many more benefits....
iv) Bryan 老师 secret weapon: Disciple of Queen of Tea Tasting Master (Master Liu) Bryan will demo and share with you how to distinguise tea, make tea for beauty and health.
V) New way to 纳气in your body. Understand the symptoms of body at different age. Use powerful method to preserved Qi in your body. When Qi is preserved, you will look young.
Students for this class will get 20 magnets free and will be able to re-use them for many years.
Hey Hey!! Bryan 老师 does not sell any magnets or any magnetic products for the class.

Take Note: This is not a class to sell any magnetic products. Only knowledge to be shared sincerely by Bryan 老师.
People may start thinking this is probably a workshop that requires participants to buy magnets...Noooooo....

Magnetic bracelet in magnetic therapy may cost around $400 in the market, which I do not find it really useful...hmmm.. this is my personal opinion only.
Well, research has also reveal that magnetic wrist straps are ineffective in the management of pain, stiffness and physical function in osteoarthritis. SO what is the best way to use magnetic therapy??
This class is super fun and effective. with your name, mobile number. Subject title in your email will be "MAABT".
Magnet is no miracle, it can't do wonders, but with the help from Bryan 老师, it does work better....


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan Lao Shi,

I have registered myself with yr 2 Professional Workshop with AMF & MAABT in year 2011 via email just now.

I have just learned & practised Meridian Flapping Exercise at the Nature Park that i have a lots of bruise at my body during my exercise programme.

I just applied a few drops of yr Omhealth Aroma oil - Lavendula Vera & gently massaged my thigh, leg & foot with certain accupressure point for 3 days.

I do not feel very painful, cleared & removed bld clog at my bld vessel & bruise have gradually disappeared each day. I love it very much.

I am slowing inhaling yr Lavendula Vera in Scent Therapy & rocking me to sleep in Dreamland for 3 days.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan, when is the date for AMF course ? Thanks....