Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2 perfect case studies

It is possible for minority to experience a little rash when they first switch to chemical free products, so do not rush into it. You can start by using Lavendula Vera Charcoal flora water, and antiage serum. After sometime, you can slowly increase the range of natural skin care products. Facial mask such as Bryan's Face and Eyes mask, Pearl powder mask is ok for sensitive skin. Antioxidant mist is super good, it has ginseng where some people with thin skin texture may have a biting feeling when first use.

Lady A:

She went for facial recommended by friend.... Beautician kept suggesting procedure on skin whitening and peeling mask (not done by doctor). She signed up for 5 sessions. After three sessions, skin starts to get sensitive and she stopped after 4 sessions. Since then till now for many years, she will be very careful in using the skincare which is suitable for her. Otherwise, rashes will develop. It is very challenging when she first started using my skin care. My skin care range does not contain any chemical or anti-senstive chemical. During her first few trials, she used products which consist of aloe vera juice which caused some biting effects and her skin develop a bit of red dots on the following day, which did subside after a day. She slowly adapt to it and now she is using Lavender vera Charcoal flora water, antiage serum and Protection Day Cream, she may try Perfectionist antiage lotion soon, as it consists aloe juice.

Lady B:

Went for facial. The skin will usually feel more sensitive that week after facial. Using perfectionist antiage lotion will have a little bitting feeling because of the Rose and Sandalwood healing the skin.

Bryan: Never go facial. I enjoy
DIY to save money, and no harmful chemical to my skin. If you want to go facial because a lot of white heads or black heads, you can go to professional for a simple extraction facial, which costs less than $50. Other procedures using their equipments or special cream, no need for those. ..

I used to have sensitive skin. 10 years ago, I wanted to use simple flora water such as Chamomile but I get allergy from it. My teacher told me to go slow...use lavender water first to normalise back the skin to proper condition first.

Everyone wants good skin, but overdoing it will only weaken the skin. Every harsh facial will further weaken your skin. Interviewed The Head of Skin in Singapore: IPL and LASER can't cure pigmentation much. Skin Center also do not recommend this. They only brighten your skin for a while as though Tai Tai go for functions.

SAVE your money. Concentrate on foodcure and natural skin care.

Instead if you really really love going for facial, go for the best reputable one (not those on TV) and do only cleansing facial and face massage with head massage. Its better.

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