Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dandruff ---- Rosemary

Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that is more a source of embarrassment than a sign of serious illness. It's a case of dead skin from the scalp falling off in "flakes." Since the flakes are usually white, they are especially noticeable when you are wearing dark clothing. Contrary to Ah Ma, dandruff isn't caused by too much shampooing or dry skin.

It is triggered by overactive oil glands, food allergies, stress, excessive perspiration, or harsh shampoos. There is a common misconception that dandruff is caused by scalp skin being too dry. Hence some people avoid washing their hair, believing that the drying effect of shampoo will worsen their dandruff.

Their scalp is probably not being cleansed enough; the scale is building up into larger, more noticeable flakes before it falls off the skin. Dandruff problems tend to occur more frequently in people with oily skin and hair.

Dandruff is caused by micro-organism called pityrosporum-ovle which are present in every body's scalp. Symptoms of dandruff get aggravated when exposed to dust, UV light, harsh chemical based shampoo, hair dyes etc., this results in increase in number of microbes which causes unhealthy residue over the scalp which leads to dandruff, which is the cause of unhealthy scalp results in unhealthy, lifeless hair and may result in excessive loss of hair too.

Rosemary Facts: Rosemary as a herb to treat dandruff because it has anti-fungal properties. because it kills the yeast while calming the scalp itching. Warning Do not use rosemary--or any essential oil--on your scalp without diluting it with water. Burning or additional flaking can occur for minority. For me is very ok.

Method: One drop rosemary oil into a big mug of water. Use it as a final rinse your hair after hair wash.

Bryan's Dandruff Shampoo: Use few times a week This shampoo does not contain silicon which will make you feel conditioned. After dandruff shampoo, apply a few drops (about 4 drops) of rice bran oil, and rub both palms. Use your fingers to comb through your hair.

Volunteer Work: At St Joseph Home, I apply Rosemary oil on tissue and let old folks inhale slightly. Yes. It does improves memory.

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