Aroma Acupressure for Prickly Heat
Don't get confused with Hives , Eczema and Prickly Heat( 痱子)。Prickly heat rash is common skin disease that consists an intense itch and feel prickly or even sting, due to overheating. It usually appears on parts of the body commonly covered by clothes, like for instance the back, neck, abdominal area, chest and groin. This disease is medically known as miliaria.
Normally kids have these.
In a hot and humid environment, the excess of perspiration damages the cells on the surface of the skin. These damaged cells form a barrier that traps sweat beneath the skin in small bumps, or blisters.
(These are acupressure points that are applicable for kids as well.)
Treatment Of Prickly Heat using Herbs:
Apply lavendula flora water from fridge or from normal temperature works wonder. Not forgetting, Kim's aloe vera gel which can be applied on affected area.
[ Works for eczema too]
Acupressure for Prickly Heat/ Rashes / Hives/ Eczema using Bryan's Aroma Acupressure
It can bring down the prickly heat very quickly. If you suffer from all sorts of skin disease, pressing these points daily can strengthen your skin
Before applying acupressure, you can apply one drop of Lavendula vera onto a piece of tissue. Use this tissue to dap on three main points. Inhale the aroma from the tissue 3 times and start pressing the points. Spend around 3 mins on each point and each pressing should be 6 seconds. Massage a bit and release....6 seconds press, massage and release...............

Strengthen lungs which governs hair and skin.

Large Intestine point for overall immunity and reduce discomfort in body.

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