Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good Shampoo

A good shampoo should be free from chemicals and make you feel great after wash. Did you notice why ancient people has smooth hair smooth even with their DIY Herbal Soap? This is because hair itself produce its nourishing molecules. Try Bryan's CedarWood Herbal Shampoo on weekends and not forgetting the Conditioner too. You gonna love it. Accompanied with a shower using Amodora Shower Gel, to have a chemical free Body wash. Wooo...you will definetly feel great!

Optional: After shampoo, you can apply two drops of rice oil on your palms. Rub both palms and fingers together and comb your hair with your hands. You will see how nice your hair become. When I’m not worrying about skin care, I’m thinking about hair! When hair starts to fall like crazy several years ago, I began my research on hair loss. I realised hair care is just like skin care. There are plenty of hair care product ingredients to avoid as well! The ingredients I’m going to tell you about may not make your hair to drop, but they are unnecessarily harsh on your hair and scalp.

Its time to go Natural. A hairstylist told me a lot of hair products has this silicone to make your hair feel very smooth.

Dimethicone/silicon! It’s a sneaky little buggar that gives you the feeling that your hair is moisturized, but actually it blocks essential moisture.

Hair vitamins:

Among others, the B group of vitamins are the most important for healthy hair, especially biotin. B5 (pantothenic Acid) gives hair flexibility, strength and shine and helps prevent hair loss and graying. B6 helps prevent dandruff and can be found in cereals, egg yolk and liver. Vitamin B12 helps prevent the loss of hair and can be found in fish, eggs, chicken and milk. When the body is under strain, it reprioritizes its processes. For example, the vital organs will be attended to first, meaning that healthy, oxygenated blood may not feed into the hair follicle, resulting in less healthy hair or a decline in growth rate. While not all hair growth issues stem from malnutrition, it is a valuable symptom in diagnosis.

When I am stress I will take Vit B complex with C.

Please do it when needed, it also prevent mouth ulcer.

Bryan's Hair Range

1) Cedarwood Herbal Shampoo

2) Hair Growth Dark Hair Shampoo

3) Hair set (Rice oil, comb, Lavendula vera, Rosemary)

4) Bryan's Hair Tonic Conditioner


Anonymous said...

I am using the Hairgrowth Dark Hair Shampoo with your walnut conditional. The feeling is good after use; so smooth! Thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

Lao shi , the shampoo u have is great. Love it. Wonder u have a new shampoo for itch scalp soon? My son has this problem