Monday, April 25, 2011

Powerful Strong News for me 2011

Hehhehehee... 3 months ago, a lady and a man from media have some health issues. Lately, they told me after using my oil, they are ok now..... And appeared happily in STAR AWARDS. Both health items and Fengshui items work wonders.... I don't want to mention names here but just wanna share the happy news. ......Not forgettng, Rose Quartz mala with affirmation (non religious with affirmation) works in a very good way ....

Antioxidant Facial Mist Arrived fresh:
Just spray during noon. See its great effects for your skin and helps lighten dark circles. I am really lucky to have so many real life feedback from so many of you. Its not sample size figures but real life statistic..... Wooohoooo....

Traveling at 3pm. I think I still have time to pack till 1pm. Quickly email to if you want to order anything. My mum will help me to make courier arrangement tomorrow ....

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