Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fresh Aromatherapy and cancer fighter.

When people suffered terminal illnesses, their minds can be fractured, and they can have difficulty focusing and collecting their thoughts, Bryan's Healing Aroma Rain Therapy Method will help.

Bryan Healing Rain therapy DIY at home.A simple anti-cancer recipe:

12 drops of Frankincense, 5 drops of Lavendula vera and 6 drops of Rose Geranium in 30ml rice bran oil. This 30ml blend can be kept for 3 months.

For cancer patients: 3 times a week, apply the blend along the spine like, one drop every 3 cm interval. Massage and let the oil absorbed to spine.

For us to prevent and strengthen body: Same. Do it once a week.
Use this oil blend everyday, apply to the whole spine. Rub it in, no need massage will do. No need to massage the whole back. Just drip a few drops of oil along the whole long spine Bryan will demo on 4 Jun "Health and Beauty with Bryan".
Only fresh EMF aroma oil has the followings:

Terpenes - inhibit the accumulation of toxins and help discharge existing toxins from the liver and kidneys. esquiterpenes are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. They work as a liver and gland stimulant and contain caryophyllene and valencene.
Research from the universities of Berlin and Vienna show increased oxygenation around the pineal and pituitary glands. Further research has shown that sesquiterpenes have the ability to surpass the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain tissue. other sesquiterpenes, like chamazulene and farnesol, are very high in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity.

  • Farnesene is anti-viral in action.
    Limonene has strong anti-viral properties and has been found in Grapefruit Pink.
    Pinene has strong antiseptic properties and may be found in high proportions in the conifer oils such as Sunflower slimming Oil ( which good for stomach massage).

  • Other terpenes include camphene, cadinene, cedrene, dipentene, phellandrene, terpinene, sabinene, and myrcene.
    Esters - are the compounds resulting from the reaction of an alcohol with an acid (known as esterification). Esters are very common and are found in a large number of essential oils. They are anti-fungal, calming and relaxing.
    Linalyl acetate may be found in Lavendula vera

  • Geraniol acetate may be found in sweet marjoram, rose geranium

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