Our heartfelt thanks to all who participated in the project
The project was a success. Headed by Miss Violet Lee.
"To all the many many friends who have contributed in one way or another to our Project "ROAD" thru our Rice contribution...A Very Warmly thanks and sincere appreciation. The ROAD had been constructed and we had handover to the village on July 25, 2011....Million thanks to all and GAN ERN....... ..... " Violet Lee Jing Jing
I want to thank all supporters who have participated in this meaningful project for the little children in Cambodia. Remember the rice coupon you all bought? ...... Bryan Lao Shi
If you have children who are really difficult to handle.....Hmm...send them to Cambodia for a week....I guess they will learn to appreciate a lot a lot of things you have done for them... That's all I can say....What has the world become now......On a few occasions, I saw children being rude to their parents...parents begging their child to eat at the hawker centres.....Once, there was this little boy who shouted at his parents, "What's your problem man??!!!" It shocked me. What's worse was both parents did not even bothered to raise their eyebrows or reprimanded him. Can I say the parents deserve this treatment?? Very often when I was waiting at the bank or some government offices, I saw children dashing for seats or parents giving up their seats while doing some transactions at the counters.....Parents standing up making enquiries or payments but children sitting down on the chairs without a second thought to give up the seats to their parents. Is this the right way??
Maybe I am too old for this new generation...but I think Filial Piety is the basic cultivation for everyone. How your children behaves reflects on their upbringing, isn't it so?
I don't know...but if its during my parents' generation, mum will stuff small chillies in my mouth if I am naughty or rude. That's it! One time of such punishment and I will never ever commit the same mistake again.

How to deal with difficult people? Breathe in, stand one side and let go.
There are times where we need to be firm/assertive. If your child can't focus on their studies or lazy, send them to Cambodia for one week..... . Or make them kneel down and face the wall for 2 hours.
Hello , Laoshi
After reading your blog on the Cambodia Road Project i was really touched and happy & grateful that there are indeed generous and kind people helping out. When i saw the pictures of those kids.. it was WOW !look at their faces so innocent and happy. Sad to say that i MISSED the chance to contribute as i've always wanted to.
Laoshi ,next time if you have these charity projects going on will you put it on your blog.
And BRAVO to Violet you really did a great job and i'm really happy for you.
Bryan Laishi, Thanks for posting the Gan Ern note to all. You are right, make a trip to Cambodia and see how the orphans live their life and the situation of the villagers. We have successfully educate them to make fight for their survival - planting fruit trees, vegetables and etc....
Let me know if any group out there who wants to visit orphanage or do community work !! Cheers
Hello , Violet
I will take note of the volunteer work you've mentioned . As my son is still young which i don't think i could take out extra time for volunteer work , can i contribute in the form of monetary .
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