Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Breast Firming, Breat Health and Non-cancer Cyst

This special Breast Firming Blend is a very unique and all natural breast firming Oil because u blend yourself using best aroma clinical oil, which traditionally known for their ability to balance female hormones and promote fuller and firmer uplifted breasts.

There is a lot of concern among women who have breast cysts. Namely they worry that it is a precursor to breast cancer. Breast cysts are not breast cancer. Many women have them.

Breast cysts are filled with fluid and they can change with the menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is hard to tell a harmful lump from a breast cyst. Your doctor may want to drain the fluid from the cyst just to be sure that it is not cancer.

A study “Benign Breast Disease and the Risk of Breast Cancer,” appeared in the July 21, 2005, New England Journal of Medicine. It said that there is only a small correlation between breast lumps and the development of breast cancer.

In TCM and Natural Therapy, in short most of the cause highly is cause also by liver Qi blocked because of emotional unbalance, anger, worries etc...... And among them are young women from 20 to 45 .

Using certain Aroma oil can improve on the above mentioned.

Breast Health and Breast Firming Aroma Oil

BLEND:10ml rice bran oil and 2 drops Frankincense + 2 drops Rose Geranium and 2 drops lavendula vera.This blend not only take cares of the health of the breast but also helps in bust firming.

This blend maximises healing and enhances the appearance, tightened, firmed and toned the breasts. It not only tightens the breast tissues but also promotes healthy skin development and moisturizes the skin around the breasts.

A) Firming Massage method: Massage with the fingers and palms, using small circular movements inwards from the outer sides of each breast, and then upwards from below each breast. Maintain strong firm strokes, pressing upwards over the nipples and up to just under the chin.

B) Breast Health. Rub 4 drops on breasts and lower abdomen everyday.
Visit:www.omhealth.com will details properties of frankincense and rose geranium but in short this combination is for breast health, Cuts ties to the past, that are blocking personal growth. Stills the mind, Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, astringent, sedative; clears lung congestion, decreases gas and indigestion, brings on menstruation,to relieve stress and anxiety, ease tension, balance emotions, and treat menstrual cramps hormonal disturbances (very effective), menopause, PMS, and engorged breasts.

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