Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Power: 3 + 1

Have a good digestion, release neck pain. For massage, footbath, aiya good and good. 4 bottle , can last for 1 year use by 3 person or whole family.

Lately I like lavendula and peppermint in cotton, put in pocket and when in MRT people flu, i inhale super power aslo. Also sometimes i put cotton, and press this cotton on my neck and forehead in office. Super clearing of headaches. for product knowledge

Full Set: Where can u get the freshest oil in Singapore even vietnam, thailand customer only get from Bryan: HERE: since 1998, (am I those old brand like the medicated oil now and next time ur children will remember me, SHould I put a head-photo in the bottle ahahahha) kidding....

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