Thursday, February 2, 2012

Its time to scrub your body with fine sea salt

This recipe is from my teacher, Clare Moloney Anthony from New Zealand to cleanse your thoughts, feelings, physical body, including joint pain. Sometimes I will dissolve this blend in warm water and scrub my body. You can also try making a tub of sea salt scrub for your friends or love ones. It will be a very thoughful present. I always recommend my clients to do salt baths on a regular basis. It helps to maintain a clean aura.

Room/space Cleanser: Fill a plastic bowl with a few cups of water. Add three or four tablespoons of Bryan's blended salt into the bowl of water. Leave the bowl on the floor of your room for a night. Water attracts energy and salt disintegrates negative or diseased energy. I do this once a month or when needed for my parents' room as well. Remember to dispose the water in the toilet.

Salt scrub improves circulations and reduces dark eye circles.

I really miss the good old 80s and 90s where Singapore was not so busy and packed....and where smart phones are not part of our life . Don't you find that technology has largely took control of our life? We accumulate a lot of negative energy in our body daily...they came from radiation devices, negative emotions and anger etc. These are like dirt that stick onto your body's auric level, resulting in feeling heavy and exhausted.


NB: Today I went to the MarketPlace at Raffles City and bought a bottle of iodised salt at 95cents. It was actually $2 hahahaa... Offer price :P

Pour all the salt into a container: Add 2 tablespoons of rice bran oil, 5 drops of Lemon oil, 10 drops of Bryan Relaxation blend. Shake the container for 1 min. Hahahahaa... Even shaking the container makes me feel good.

How to Scrub:
I add 8 tablespoons of this salt and a cup of water into a plastic pail. Use the wet salt scrub and cover my whole body for 5mins. Rinse off.

Wet your body. Take two tablespoons of this salt and apply onto your wet body. Rub all over gently. Leave it on for 5mins. Rinse off.

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