Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome 4th Feb 2012 : Wood Element, And drink some fire items is good eehhee

You can have a mini cup of red dates tea before 4pm. At around 6pm, have a cup of barley water. Super good combination for health as red dates will strengthen body day time. When the wood Lap Chun arrived at 6.22pm, barley water will nourish this wood.

Apply your Pearl powder Clay mask mixed with Lavendula Vera Flora water to do a facial mask on 4th Feb. In the older days, it was believed when one apply mask or beauty thing on that day, he/she will enjoy nice pretty skin for the whole year. Errrmmm.... I don't know how true is that, but I think it works for me.... hahahaha

Well, its the 10th day of Chinese New Year. According to Chinese Tradition and the super accurate scientific Calender, 4th Feb is known as Lap Chun, which marks a start anew day for the year. This is also the day when the dragon year officially arrives. Friends who visited my house asked why my bamboo haven't flower yet. I told them this year is double month. According to my 6636 qi calculation, my bamboo will flower on 1st Feb and full bloom on 4th Feb. (Take note Botanical Garden walk is a leisure good luck good health is not a workshop. I gather everyone to shake hands with all). Guess what? The picture above was just taken hehehehee

Since this is a health blog, let me share what to eat for good health during Lap Chun period ------------- Red dates tea (not too much sugar; I use Acacia Honey)

Bryan's yummy red dates tea:

Replenish qi, nourish the blood and alleviate thirst; Qi-blood deficiency, etc. If drink regularly, they can strengthen the body, and cure diseases such as neurasthenic, imbalance of the spleen and the stomach, indigestion, cough, anemia and over thinness. In particular, they are effective to preserve the liver and prevent cancers. There is a saying, “Three dates a day keeps wrinkles away.”

When I was young, I eat 3 red dates a day. Well, I am in my late thirties now, my stomach may not be as strong as a young boy. Thus, I will only drink the red dates tea. You may ask,"Heaty a not?" My answer,"Of course not."

For me, I will have a final rinse with 5 elements oil after shower during the day. Night time, I will final rinse with Bryan Relaxation Blend after shower.

Color Therapy: Wear some red is good because red symbolise good luck and not about element clash. Remember I said before, 2012 too much wood but no fire... So some red is good :)

Fresh Pearl Powder White Clay Mask : $45

Certified Organic Lavendula Vera Flora water (sometimes pink and sometimes clear. Depending on the flower season) $45. Details

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