Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Morning Wellness

Bryan Lao Shi famous QI Gong & Prana Touch therapy workshop (practical) on 7th April 2012. National Library: Imagination room. Limited intakes of 40 people only. This is to ensure that I can give individual attention to correct your techniques. The class is open for registration now. Details as at .

Since 1998, I woke up 5am daily to do a 5mins Qi Gong and go marketing at 6am to buy vegetables to make soup(almost everyday). Last time working, I will do Qi Gong on the way to market (walking qi gong). I think this is one of the method that helps to slow down aging and overcome my (cervical Spondynis and Scoliosis). Stay tune tomorrow for a soup recipe which I boil once a week for good digestion and radiant skin. I never believe in collagen drinks (chemicals) and anti age Sheep xx pill. Well, you can try for 6 months and see the results for yourself..don't really work... Everyone will age, but we can age gracefully in a natural way :)

I bought this pot for $48 at Isetan. I saw CK Tang selling it too. It comes in different colors and different size. This pot is so good and better than those pots that costs a few thousands dollars. Food gets cooked fast and preserved the vitamins. Just nice for me to use it daily.

Bryan is preparing silk scroll of health for Oct. Only conducted it once every two years. To attend this talk, you are encouraged to attend Part ONE Health and Beauty with Bryan for beginners. An awarded class :

NEWCOMERS, just come one time and you will learn many techniques for beauty and health. Come and clear your doubts ^^

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