Monday, April 2, 2012

Phase 2 Charity Project

In May I will be visiting Thailand Hospital for the Monk who are sick:> Bless me hor u all ehhehe give me smooth smooth journey eheheh:>

My phase two of charity project will be MAY 2012. I am going to share with the old folks that they are still strong. I am going to impart them some acupressure techniques. So they can share with more . Currently very busy, some new comers may wonder why I no reply email on questions. Because really omhealth is one man show and many times ur questions can be found in blog... Will try my best.

I hope u all new comers can support my Health and Beauty with Bryan Part ONE. The skills I share with u all, consist of many health remedies and u can apply to young and old. Now I only have time to give once a year.... Hope u can make an effort to attend de:> Old comers u can encourage ur friends to come for my 26 May 2012 Health and Beauty with Bryan.... Thanks

Chicken Essence received le enough now we have 80 bottles, so each granny and grandpa can have 2 bottles, u all are so great:>

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