Thursday, April 5, 2012

Way of Life: Health

Is kinda of weird , 10 years ago, doctors and professors (from "Big" hospital) don't believe in acupressure. But now some come to me for advise. Is it I am older now then people will listen?

For me, any new young aromatherapist giving me advices , I will listen and sometimes I will act blur so to revise on my work and to my surprise learn more, never show off.

Remember , every person appear in our life is not coincidental. Example:I have degenerated neck bone diagnosed in 1997 , because of a simple advice from a very young therapist, he helped me from heavy medication . I hope all CHINESE big Doctor or Western BIG doctor, respect the young one also.
I am saying this base on my my 15 years of lecturing experience to more than 20,000 students , here and overseas.

Bryan Lao SHi Philosophy of Health: See things 2 ways and respect people.
A) I remember once invited to a Hospital to share about IBS. Those doctor's face was like..." TCM , will work ma?" when is my turn to speak. This is call ego. End up one of the wife got IBS now, see TCM.
B) I remember visit a Chinese Doctor : " Always criticise about Western medicine, end up he now High blood must take western medicine to balance"

Example: Yoga can help with some health problems but yoga may also cause spine damage to some if not carefully practice. So u all must take note. Alot of yoga in market is too commercialise and end up create alot of health problems. I suggest for beginners, find a good teacher and learn Hatha yoga first. And if certain posture cant do it , never force and show off.... Alot of my yoga instructor friends has injuries because....

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