Thursday, November 21, 2013


Many of you email to me, say I) Health weak II) Sleep Quality Poor iii) Stress and skin bad texture.

If u for one moment think... u already know the problems but what have u done to overcome it. Are u complaining day to day. Anyhow buy some supplements or collagen or eat pills thought by taking a few days have miracles. Some may think see TCM , expect result in 1 month?

No way. If u want TCM help u, it takes 3 months to see results. But many see TCM or take supplements : take and no take. Useless one.

Many say why I look ok even no sleep for weeks due to work? Well I take care this period. Class is unavoidable in certain period of our life we are affected by career, family and stress.... And we are human beings... Even Tai Tai got problems....

But the thing is how we release the stored stagnant energy and nourish five organs.


A)I press acupressure daily , I don't care whether it works... I just press and one day I know I will see results.
B) I pray everyday, I pray but I don't keep asking and expecting will I find a job?, will I etc...?
C) I eat food that nourish my organs daily. At least one meal I must have Qi improving food and herbs::>
D) I use proper skincare with hydration:> New comers, try my Antiage set ba:> and my antiage scrub.

Below my ancient recipes for energy and skin: 10 days non stop

Bryan Lao Shi Low Carbo Porride Water: U need to drink this water. We lack of this:> Is better than using the Miracle water on face if u can drink:> THINK le u all think what I mean.

1 tablespoon (Chinese table spoon rice)
1.5 cup water
3 red dates
3 Shan Yao山药

Boil for half hour(文火). drink ba:>

2014 New workshop coming UP: Date to be announced. Limited seats

A) For those who attended 5 element QI Gong: U can upgrade to learn

B) 5 element Qi Gong for new comersC) Bryan Lao Shi 宫心美人记 ( How ancient Beauty maintain power skin) with advise from TCM doctors incooperation.

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