Tuesday, May 27, 2014

21st Sep 2014

Now till end June Register! A surprise gift for all:> Fees: $45 CSC Auditorium class@omhealth.com include name and mobile. Fees must pay to secure seat POSB saving 033485310 with reference number. Biggest and Most Sincere Health and Beauty Workshop in Singapore

1) Not about pushing products or sales.
2) All about proper research and methods to improve beauty and health.
3) Since 2001 every 2 years. (why 2 years? , 2 years to verify, validate the topics to share)

DeMontfort Healthy Living
Health and Beauty with Bryan 2014 (NEW )

A) Latest Hair beauty health research and secret recipes reveal/
1) Hair and body relation: What are the food that can cure
2) Dry hair
3) Oily Scalp
4) Hairloss

The ancient Royal Chinese Queen and Princess
1) Real recipes for antiaging
2) Real recipes for hair and slimming using DIY herbs.

Singapore Old Medical Hall Secret recipes share.
Medical Herbal Knowlegde Pass down personally to Bryan Lao Shi by a medical hall. (some recipes can track back to 100 years ago where our ancestor write their herbs in a piece of clothe

D) How to make Medicated Wine for consumption?
Receipes powerful: A bottle cost in market $280 where u can DIY at cheaper price.

E) Tea Art
The art of drinking Tea and fun way to use tea to improve skin texture

F) Skin whitening with Empress Dowager
The sercret receipes that whiten your skin and radiant.

G) Insomnia, Depression and Emotion Problems MEthods
One procedure cure all.

H) Queen of Female TCM doctor invited to share recipes (not selling herbs or service)
[ Lately many shops hire TCM doctor, keep on using diagnosie to say u alot health problem and end up ask u buy $1000 herbs, like when u go HK tour, they will drive u to those medical hall than unknowginly u listen until frighten and buy ....]

Fret not, let Bryan Lao Shi Stringent rules and regulation introduce u a good TCM who teach u recipes and foodcure , acupressure to prevent female problems/

I) Correct way of using Omhealth SKin Care (10 mins only)
For 16 years le, not a single talk i mention how to use my products effectively, time is ripe and will share with u.

J) Juice for health.
Market flooded with juice recipes, what juice is good for
i) Skin
ii) Eczema
iii) Gastric
iv) Health weak
v) Giddiness

K) Bryan BATT (Bryan Aroma Touch Therapy)
ALso secret herbs powder combine with Bryan Aromatherapy footbath powder .

Introduction and you will learn about few touch therapy for different ailments.

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