Monday, May 26, 2014

Elderly/Ourself Must Take care of Head and Leg

Leviticus 19:32 
“You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.

Ephesians 6:2

“Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise)

Year after year , i think our parents are getting on their age.

We can be so busy and forget to take care of them. But sometimes, they dont listen can be a headache too.

Aahhahahahha..... Parents are funny, they dont listen to you but they listen to others. DO u know if u can massage head for them or teach them let them do themselves. They will love it. And can prevent alot of illnesses.

Today we talk about HEADcare for parents or ourselves.

Head Massage for all especially for elderly!

Head Massage Benefits

  1. A great remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression, backaches, dizziness, stress and anxiety that are common ailments in most individuals. 
  2. Besides being relaxing, a good head massage helps to revitalize the brain and the body. 
  3. It helps to improve concentration. 
  4. The blood circulation to different parts of the head is also enhanced thus also strengthening the hair roots as well.

 BATT head massage by Bryan Lao Shi

(Picture below is like do for people, u can do youself and is not oily to the scalp ).

 1) Rosemary, Lavendula Vera, Lemon, Peppermint, rice bran oil

Method i): 15ml rice bran oil (above 1 drop each ) Mix well. This bottle lifespan 1 month. Take 10 drops from above , apply neck and shoulder. Than simple massage. After that palm massage the head.


Method ii): I put 15-20 drops rice bran oil on palm, than the above oil one drop each on palm and mix and massage neck shoulder chest.

C) Than one hand forehead and one hand base of neck, move head down. Stay there with eye close for 15 seconds minutes.

Do an Indian Head Massage Step 8.jpg

Image:Do an Indian Head Massage Step 9.jpgD) Move the head back. Gently lift the head back to vertical and continue backwards, again without forcing, simply allowing the head to move within its own range of motion stay 15seconds. 

  • Repeat this 3 times, forward and backward.

E) Than both hand at temples touch and stay there for 15seconds.

Image:Do an Indian Head Massage Step 12.jpg

F) Use your palm comb hair and enjoy using fingers pressure press yourself.

G) Use a dry clothe wipe ur hand and hair.  COmfy... Heaven

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