Exciting Month 2015
May is a heaty month but exciting. Drinking Yellow JU HUA is important this month, 5-6 flower daily.
For the first time, after 10 years I am sending out a newsletter with 2 power recipes for all. I wonder it will work. And in future will send once every 3 months.
I kinda worry because 10 years ago I sent a newsletter and a customer email say " remove me from list" And I remember my newsletter just a friendly halo after 6 years of business ahaha. Again i have thousands customers so one or two like that is ok. Being a Libra Sign in business is not easy because we very concern on how people feel and in details. Sometimes, is agony when I receive so many email of problems and yet I cant reply. But is always in my mind, so I will put in blog as a general topic so all can benefits.
That is the problem of niche market. Infact I can hire many many people reply email like what some health guru do, but that is not me. If u are detail enough, my blog really covers many issues le almost A- Z.
Upcoming Products: 4R Rose Facial Oil
This oil is a careful blend of rose, flowers herbs and is amazing nice feeling. If u love my neroli , immortella , u can use this also. It has added Power C which will not oxidised on skin.
This oil I can mark up very high but is for you at $55.
Many scar oil in market is too mineral oil and also clog pores... this one u use for face , u will love it and neck also. Many neglect neck.
When i have facial Oil range because sometimes I see commercial selling face oil but blend with so much chemicals . For me I still believe full pure oil. ANd it wont clog pores.
Essential Oil Range:
1) Purity Tranqulity Miracle Blend 45
2) Cypress Essential Oil 45
3) Tangerine Essential Oil 38
4) Rosewood Essential Oil 45
5) Premium Cedarwood Essential Oil 45

Cypress Essential Oil $45
Improve lungs efficiency, reduce heavy menstruation, Liver health, overcome muscles spasm, strengthen muscles, release body toxin, remove stuck emotion and purging out the unhappiness, tension lost control in life, astringent, antimicrobial, lynphatic drainage.
Rosewood Essential Oil and Cedarwood Essential Oil explain previously.
All above oil will be in shopping cart Thursday 2015.
Have u try my shopping cart: www.omhealth.com/shopping_cart
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