Herbs de 秘密
Upcoming Event
1) 3rd Septmber 2017: Small Class Teaching with bryan lao Shi , 10am to 12pm
2) 30th July 2017: Hengness super good luck and mantra affirmation (religion included)
1st October , Bryan Lao Shi 20th year anniversary at CSC club: Health Beauty Luck with Lao Shi.
Email to class@omhealth.com
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Clearing the heat of weather and boost immune system:
1) Lavendula vera + Peppermint one drop each with 3 drops rice bran oil. Massage neck shoulder urself
2) Than a drop peppermint on palm, rub both palm warm than inhale abit only. and use ur palm finger comb ur head. Or use a kwa sha plate end gently move from top of head to base of head 10 times.
Follow by 2. and follow by 3.
The few oil combine with massage can clear heat and headache energy.
After the head massage, drink a tea can help ten times recovery from headaches, neckaches and tiredness.
Best Prevention Maintenance this weather is to drink my High Moutain GOLD tea. It works. ANd is super good quality. Now avaliable www.omhealth.com/shopping_cart 13 box arrival le, under miscellaneous.
This weather u can use Witch Hazel mist if u have allergy skin and also rose water and Double blue flower aloe gel.
This weather u can use Witch Hazel mist if u have allergy skin and also rose water and Double blue flower aloe gel.
Bryan Lao Shi Power tea to drink after massage head.
Bryan lao shi 速速消暑防痛茶。
Aromatherapy Chinese Herbs The reason why I call this blend aromatherapy herbs because when boil, whole house have scent of flowers and can clear house bad energy . Ahahah
Also when they are combines can be very effective in flu and cold prevention.
Aromatherapy Chinese Herbs The reason why I call this blend aromatherapy herbs because when boil, whole house have scent of flowers and can clear house bad energy . Ahahah
Also when they are combines can be very effective in flu and cold prevention.
1) 荆芥 5gram,防风 5gram,赤小豆 2 tablespoon,香薷 8gram,甘草 5 slice,黄芩 10g,川芎 (7g)。 Two slice葛根。
Boil 1.2 litre of water for half hour.
above plant is 香薷

History of above Huang Qin : 李时珍 (the ancient famous doctor who written herbs dictionary)生于明朝嘉靖年间,自幼聪明伶俐,好学上进,小小年纪就立志考取功名。光耀门庭。
正在李时珍的父母悲伤绝望之际,村子里来了一位从远方云游到此的道士,这位道人白发长髯,颇有一种仙风道骨的味道。闻言道人专治疑难杂症,小时珍的父母急忙把道人请到家中给他看病。道士给小时珍号了脉象后,捋捋长髯说: “不妨,不妨,此病只需服用黄芩30克,加水两盅,煎至一盅,服用半月即可痊愈。“时珍的父母半信半疑地按方煎药。奇迹出现了。半月之后,小时珍身热全退,痰多咳嗽的症状也消失了,身体逐渐恢复健康。一味黄芩居然起到了立竿见影的治疗效果。
Bryan Lao Shi Herbs experience since 1998: I am no TCM but i work with flowers and herbs for shower, drink .
U dont need to be a TCM to be able to match some simple herbs. This is base on many years of experience. Below herbs i blend with help of TCM doctors approval.
U imagine ancient time how herbalist work, is they communicate with plants daily and come out of formulars.
The formulars below make use of scent plant dried like a tea. To drives away headaches heatiness and calm mind.

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