3rd Sep 2017: Small Class Teaching
(previous students who attended the tea house one, u dont have to come for this one). Small Class Teaching will be divided to 3 segment
Small Class Teaching A (done at 25th June, next one is 3rd Sep 2017)
Register class@omhealth.com, once confirmed will inform u.
Small Class Teaching B (planned Nov)
Small Class Teaching C
Once completed A, B and C. U will receive bryan lao shi 4 stone healing set (small activated thumble specially activated) and a certification of participation .
Not for newbies;;

Small Class Teaching (A)
3rd September (for students who attended any omhealth workshop before)
A very detailed explanations and techniques for health and foodcure
Interactive and Heaps of knowledge loading to you.
Fees: $60
Items door gifts: A bottle of Mist for face (new), Honey set sample size, one pipagao, a small bottle of 7 treasure herbs powder (exclusive for all)
Venue: Sunshine Plaze (will be announced room)
Time: 10am to 12pm (after that u all can cross the road to bugis)
Bryan Lao Shi acupressure points effectively clear blockages and is discussed with top TCM and expert before he come out with this series of procedure.
When u do it correctly is better than u press 100 points . It further benefits of acupressure range from relaxation to removing toxins in our body.
With Bryan lao Shi foodcure you can learn how to relieve many types of discomfort and have more control over your well being.

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