Small Class Teaching completed
Small Class Teaching Completed 2017 25th June
My dream fulfilled:>
Most of my classes are in hundreds. One day while I was walking home from as usual market. I tot of wouldnt it be good to have a small class and focus on the topics and let everyone excel.
For me now , ensuring students learn and apply plus able to share with more people is number thing in omhealth business. (again u all must support, really never market this mucha haha)
The 25 students who attended the class yesterday will be able to proceed to part 2 and part 3. After which I will produce a certificate of appreciation for all who attended the 3 parts.
For those who attended the small class. A private newsletter will be email by my students to let u all know the second small class part 2.... (what is inside ur secret herb powder)

My personal advises for all
No matter what your age, your daily
i) breathing exercise 2 mins
ii) Acupressure 3 mins
iii) Eating a healthy, balanced diet daily provides the nutrients your body needs to keep your bones, organs and muscles in optimum shape.
iv) Buy fruits home weekly and eat before 3 pm one fruit daily
v) Eat greens daily can overcome bodyaches, headaches
vi) Choose chemical free shampoo and toothpaste as it absorb to ur body.
v) Use daily omhealth rose hydrosol and 2 essential oil.
vi) Comb head daily gently
nutrients include fats, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Healthy eating may also help you maintain a healthy weight, boost your heart health, prevent diabetes and improve your brain function.
NEXT Small Class Teaching : New class will be announced soon.
It will be $68 per pax for 2 full hours of training. And door gifts given. And each has a $10 omhealth voucher plus a small bottle of omhealth student ownself grind powder for tea (super treasure seven powder).
Stay tune and is opened for 20 pax

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