Sunday, June 10, 2018

Upcoming Event

A Oil a day from Today;

Eucalyptus Radiata:

Represent: Health, Purifying Thoughts, Speed Up Healing.

This oil remind us, we can be healthy again. If your house if overwhelmed with negative energy especially in house or office there are some arguments. This oil will help to dissolve these negativity.

Just 5 drops in a cup of boiling water leave it there for 5 mins. After when water turn cool add 3 more drops and wipe table.

I love omhealth Eucalyptus of its highest quality

It is commonly employed in classrooms as a form of causal aromatherapy to increase student performances. And also i love to put in tissue with lemon oil to boost immune system.

It is very effective against cavities, dental plaque, gingivitis, bad breath and other dental infections owing to its germicidal.  When have sore throat i put a drop of eucalyptus and a drop of lavendula in a mug of water, use a wooden chopstick stir and gargle mouthwash 4 times a day. Each mug can gargle 4 times,

Relieves Muscle Pain

The volatile eucalyptus oil is analgesic and anti-inflammatory in nature. If you are experiencing muscle pain or soreness, massaging oil on affected areas in a circular motion helps relieve stress and pain.

Hi all

this few events are extremely good talk where U will benefits alot from it.

15th July Health and Beauty with Bryan lao Shi 21 Anniversary
Image result for beauty health natural

Bryan and Han Medical 3 doctors will be sharing health tips and their personal experience in Aches, Pain, Eye issues and cyst and Sleep issues.

They are very kind to give everyone a $20 Han TCM voucher. I am really thankful.

Fees: $35 , 930am, Civil Service Club Auditorium

17th June SBG Garden Walk
$10 per pax. Rain or shine i will be there.
If u have registered and because of rain, the money can use for shopping cart.
Email to

Is a best Energy of The Year , all will be given 2 aged Ai Cao to burn at home.

24th June 2018 at Han TCM clinic beside waterloo
Bryan Lao Shi Crystal Aroma and Color healing for students and customers and old friends
9am to 11am

U can bring ur crystal for charging too.
Fees: $28


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