Monday, June 4, 2018

Bryan Relax Blend and Vitality Blend Secret reveal

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Is such a wonderful feeling that you blended a oil in 2001 and till today it still shine shine and helping alot of people
:>------- Bryan relax Blend.

I have never revealed what's the blend inside as in the past all aromatherapist will have a secret blend that is used for blending.
And yes this is my secret blend ahahah.
Well today I shall let u all know the Blend inside:>

Bryan Relax Blend: Patchouli, Frankincense, Mandarin, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang and Thyme
But the secret proportion still a secret to make it effective

And this kind of blend may cause up to $120 for a 12ml bottle. Omhealth stays at $45.

Till today I have not change the label of this oil. because the design was once praise by a France natural therapy group:>

Vitality Oil Blend: Is a wonderful blend for digestive system and remove cellulite too.

My favourite Stomach massage Blend

15ml rice bran oil: 5 drops each in it. Use this blend daily massage stomach for longevity and remove dampness in body:>

I have the most wonderful time with all of you in this class

Spleen Class Completed on 3rd June 2018 and the next similar class will be 5th August. And I am glad all of u came and learn quite abit right:> 

Upcoming Event:
A) 15th July 2018
21st Anniversary Health and beauty with Bryan 

Bryan Lao Shi and Han Doctors will present to you a most caring workshop.

Venue: CSC auditorium
Time: 930am to 12pm
Fees: $45
Gifts: Han Medical $20 voucher
Omhealth : $10 voucher
Fees: $35
Email to

B) 17 June: Hengness Qi Gong Walk at SBG 645am meet Singapore Botanics garden $10 per pax


The most powerful rose Shea Butter. Stay tune 200 roses in a bottle">

A video will be post here soon:>

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I am very thankful for to Han Medical and All of u still willing to listen to my talk after so many years. And thank u again

Image may contain: 25 people, including Kelly Ang, Toh Suat Lay, Pauline Ong, Yee Oi Lian, How Candice, Yuen Mei, Jessica How, Ann Chan, Tan HS and 4 others, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 9 people, including Sin Irene, people sitting and indoor

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