Soap bar Beauty

This soap contains more than 18 kind of chinese herbs extract together with aromatherapy carrier oil to

1) Vitamin E for retaining moist (coconut oil, walnut oil, evening primrose,Hazelnut Oil, Olive Oil)
2) FIght allergy and PH balance
3) regain the skin natural balance and shine
4) Natural whitening with Empress Dowager recipes by the imperial physician
18 Kind of CHinese herbs include
白牽牛、白蘞、白細辛、甘松、白芨、白蓮蕊、白茯苓、白芷、白朮、白僵蠶、荊芥、獨活、羌活、檀香,白附子、白扁豆、防風、白丁香等18種藥材。Pearl powder included too.
This soap is suitable for people with dull skin and lose of Shine. One use u feel the cleanse and not drying feeling.
How to Use?
Lather the soap between clean palms with tepid water
Than massage the face and neck less than 1 minute
Rinse Thoroughly
No fragrance No mineral OilNo parabens. No phthalates. No fragrance.
This soap not only reduce skin inflammations and recover your skin. It will also leave your skin moisturized and smooth . treatment for pesky blemishes since QingDynasty. It helps ur skin to function properly. And a step to radiant glow skin.
DO I still use ur Facial Milk Cleanser Astiquer?
Yes u need to. AS this soap can alterante with ur facial Cleanser.
AS the soap removes unwanted oil, unclogs your pores, refines skin texture and minimizes the appearance of annoying pores. And is made with a pH-balanced base that won't strip or dry out your skin.
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