Beauty and Digestive system
Many people have indigestion problem. This is rather common in modern society. Stress is the main reason because stress affects the nervous system, which indirectly affects the digestive system.
Aromatherapy was popular in Singapore but the popularity drop because not many people know the right way to use it. I have spend 10 years to discover easy DIY methods to release stress.
One of which, is stomach massage. This stomach massage can help to release stress and calms both body and mind.
- 1 drop of Lavendula vera,
- 1 drop of Peppermint Avenisis
- Add the oil into a 20 cent size coin of any cheap body lotion moisturizer
- Massage stomach clockwise while lying down on the bed.
- Perform this massage 3 times a week (not for pregnant women).
- Do not do this exercise immediately after food,
- Best to do before sleep to enhance sleep.
Herbal tea:Many herbal tea helps to improve the digestive system.
Try making this tea. It is delicious and has many health benefits such as calms the mind and settle the stomach.
For 4 persons:
1 tablespoon of Gui hua, 1 tablespoon of dried Peppermint leaf, 1 litre of hot water in tea pot. Add Gui Hua and Peppermint leaves into the hot water. Steep for 15mins, add honey to taste.
DELICIOUS : Real natural Gui Hua can be found in chinatown..... chinese medical shops.
Hi bryan,
i'm eighteen years old, i came to noe your blog through my mum becos she listens to Love 97.2 FM.
i read ur recent post about face serum.
where can get a in-expensive face serum??
also i have freckles,do you have any DIY methods/product thaT can help reduce freckles =P
thanks you
serum is on of the way. Well, i will introduce a mask soon for freckles.
Stay tune to the blog, if u want to have the serum do email me
Hey Bryan,
i could not find the address of your shop. could you reply my post and tell me your shop address ASAP thx.
I have a lot of freckles and very bad eye bag. Do you have any way that can help my problem?
May I know where can i get the face serum you mention in your blog or can I go to the shop to buy.
Hi All,
Bryan do not have a shop, u can order whatever you want via email:
hi bryan
i have a very bad skin problem.i see doctor for many yrs.Doctor said is psoriasis.i apply too much cream and now my skin was very thin.if i stop to apply the cream it were come back. now the weather very hot i dare not to go out have to stay at home and listen to 97.2.Bryan can u help me my problem.
i now is 45yr old.
thanks you
mdm teo
cammi very thankyou for your information. I aprreciate it alot.
Hi mdm teo, i belief the cream might contain some steroid. Because apply too much, can cause side effect. I belief, you can overcome ur problem by reducing stress and performing acupressure using lavendula vera and frankincense. I think you should change another doctor and have a seond opinion. We should not too dependent on medicine, just remember your body can heal themself too if you know to take care.
Face serum can be order by sending me a email
hi bryan,
where can i purchase the peppermint leave (dried)
Hi Bryan,
What is the chinese name for peppermint leave (dried)?
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