Hawthorn tea for the festive season
Wishing everyone a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year. I am really touched and lost for words with all your letters and even presents (Thanks Catherine). Words can't express how thankful I am to all of you. Thank you very much for your letters of encouragements and feedbacks of your health improvements. Your words of encouragements have spurred me on to work even harder.
My X'mas wish is to bring more happiness and fun stuff to more people out there. And also to be able to excel in my career and research.Most of us would probably have overeat during this festive season. Hmmm....next will be New Year celebration! We tend to feel sluggish and suffer from indigestion when we overeat. Here's a tea that can help to deal with fatty liver, indigestion and overweight. However, it is not suitable for pregnant ladies, people suffering from stomach ulcer and gastric(You will need to seek Chinese TCM's advice).
Hawthorn is known as 山楂
对人体的好处: 有消食散瘀,降血脂,治食积、胃酸、产妇恶露等作用。山楂对12种药物的致突变毒性均有明显的拮抗作用。接受化疗的肿瘤患者及健康人群适量吃些鲜山楂果将有益于预防肿瘤 (to be further confirmed by western science)
How to prepare Hawthorn tea?
Very simple. Put 5 small slices of Hawthorn in a mug. Add boiling water and steep for 15mins. Sometimes I will add four thin slices of orange skins together with the Hawthorn slices.
Folks, enjoy your holiday. I need to get some sleep now...had a late night yesterday.
Bryan Laoshi
Merry Christmas and take care
Bryan Lao Shi,
What's the type of milk(full cream milk or skimmed milk?) should I use when doing the eye mask with floral water? Kindly advise.
Lao shi i attended ur part 2 class, and have used the vita serum and moisturiser. I really good. and i have really healthy skin now. I am really impressed by your workshop. Thank you so much.
Hi Moon, bryan laoshi say full cream milk, and i tried. Is good, but careful not to get into eyes.
sandra ong
Hi bryan, would like to express my thankful regards.nI have neck pain for many years , after learning the acupressure techniques my pain has reduced by 80%.
I used to spend alot of money on chiro, but now i can DIY.
Of coursei did seek advice from the chinese TCM .
Please continue to shine for others....
May all good things come to you. And asyou climb higher there will be obstacles but remember if you belief what you are doing all shall be eliminated.
Julius lim
Hi Sandra,
Thanks for reply'g on behalf of Bryan Lao Shi. What's the brand of the full cream milk that you're using? Awaiting for your early reply.
Thank you.
Hi Moon,
i use Marigold full cream milk, i use it for body bath that bryan lao shi taught in radio,very smooth skin. But toilet must wash clean if not will be smelly second day. Are u attending bryan lao shi exercise class i will be registering
Hi Bryan,
May I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!
Hello Sandra,
Thanks for your tips. Go'g to try the eye mask tonight. When is the next Bryan Lao Shi exercise class go'g to be held?
Thanks & have a good day ahead....
Hi Sandra,
You are so kind :D Hope you are able to assist me.
I attended 21Dec part 2 class and bought the Anti ageing serum ($68) and neoli oil. Can you teach me how to use the serum and neoli oil? i have been using Dr Secret products all this while.
Warmest regards,
Hi Sandra,
Can i ask you one more question? I have been v.busy these two weeks. No time to get the eye mask bryan laoshi mentioned in the class. Can i use other type. Could you advise me how to use eye mask with full cream milk? If can, many thanks.....
Warmest regards,
Oh jolene i did try the facial massage , u need to email bryan for instruction. antiage serum to use day and nite after cleansed face and follow by moisturiser.
milk one just dip the mask in cold milk.
Neroli oil 2 drop in palm rub both palm till warm and massage face upwards over a cleansed face. than leave in on and dap away excess with tissue.
Thank you for your info Sandra.
Warmest regards,
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