Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine (part 1) --- Single

Valentine Day is just round the corner. Some might be feeling sad, some busy thinking how to celebrate the occasion and some in agony.

Later at 4.15pm, tune in to FM 972 for lots of nice tips for singlehood.

Lately I became "Aunt Agony" hahaha...I received quite a number of calls on relationship problems. I find that most relationships broke up either near or during festive seasons. I dont know why...I even have a friend who broke up with his girlfriend during Chinese New Year eve. Oh no....what a timing to ask for a break up... so I ended up being Aunt Agony! Most of the times, we might not be able to help much but to be able to lend a listening ear can make them feel a lot better.
In this week i-weekly, I will introduce ways to overcome singlehood and how to attract love :)

If you are single, avoid going out on Valentine's Day, you know what I mean.... I believe God will always arrange one person for you..When the timing is right, the right person will appear. No matter how old you are or how many times of unsuccessful relationships you have before, its important to have faith. Never give up :)

Some singles may experienced sadness or feel moody once a blue moon. Don't worry. Bryan Lao Shi is here to teach you a 5 element herbal tea which is easy to make. This tea helps to balance your lung (governs emotion), liver(anger), heart(sadness), stomach(anxiety), kidney(fear)

Of course shower yourself with 2 drops of my 5 elements oil in a pale of water helps too :)

5 elements herbal tea for beauty & emotion balance
Ingredients: Lavender flower x3, Jasmine flower x 2, Peppermint leaf (Lipton brand half teaspoon), 1 cm thin slice of Mandarin skin, 1 stalk of fresh Rosemary.

Put all ingredients in a tea pot, pour in boiling water. Add honey when cool.
You will feel much better after all these :D

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