Good morning everyone :D
I will rest my blog for a few days till Monday as I will be travelling to Thailand for a few days to upgrade myself on Thai Medicine and Art therapy. Mom told me its not safe to travel there now....but ok la. Mala remember :>"Maeng-Lak" in Thai, hoary basil is an annual herbaceous plant with slightly hairy and pale green leaves, eaten either raw. Therapeutic benefits include the alleviation of cough symptoms, and as diaphoretic and carminative agents. This is also one of the main ingredients in my 5 elements oil. Those having mouth ulcer, have you got it? You can read up my previous posting for the details.
I will be on radio 97.2FM "Live" between 4pm to 5pm today. Today's blog information will share with you on the multi usage on Ginger. Ginger has many grades,which also determines the extraction method and price. The highest grade has the highest medicinal value. Today, I tried my best to post the usages of Ginger in Mandarin. I will translate the usages into English next week :P
For new comers:
Product List :
Event List : Cooking class, 5 elements exercise class, Upcoming Workshop Part 1 (Mandarin)
姜 油
7、纤体紧肤:泡澡,舒缓乾燥、疲惫的肌肤,热烈的姜油渗肤感,让松弛下垂的腰部、腹部、腿部等 部位肌肤变的紧实而富弹性。
I'm gonna miss you all for few days....Remember to take good care of yourself. I will not be able to reply to your emails when I am away but you can browse through my previous postings. You should be able to find some of your answers there :) Will reply your emails when I am back k.
NB: All oil aroma will arrive fresh on coming Tuesday. Mala and Amethyst cluster just came in nice pieces, visit Remember to buy this Thursday Zao Bao :P heheheeee.......
Laoshi have a good trip. I have good results with your mala. Andyour skin care products. Thank you so much.
Adeline Yeo
Halo Bryan Lao Shi,
Enjoy yourself & have a fruitful trip in Thailand. We'll pray for your safety.
Loooking forward to attend your crystal class on 13/9/08!
Gerlin Chua
Hey bro! Don't work too hard. Must remember to enjoy the TOm Yum Soup.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi.
I have my 1st flight to Phuket so many yrs back to eat flower crab n tom yum soup.
I will never forget Phi Phi Island with crystal clear water at the beach to admire n slowly strolled thru the beach for relaxation.
I hope u can relax n enjoyed yrself for a holiday in Thailand.
Bryan laoshi
Do have a nice trip in Thailand. I used to visit Thailand once or twice in a year in the past 3 years ago, but now so long didnt go le...
Know u will share wif us when u are back...
Thank you n Take care
Bryan, enjoy your trip but take care ya.
Your ginger oil is of very good grade. After few application either as a massage oil or footbath, I can feel the effect and improvement.
Thanks. May you have a safe trip.
I represent some of the beauty salon in Singapore, i think your products are selling below market rate, this is very "spoilt market". I hope you can look into this matter.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi.
My male chinchilla is so naughty n playful to wee wee(urinate) inside red container together with his sand bath inside his cage.
Oh my God, he was totally soaked n his fur so wet.
I just looked at him n then laughted non-stop with my eyes crying.
It is so fun to keep him as my pet since 28/7/08.
This is my 1st time to witness such a incident to happen so suddenly.
I wish u have a nice holiday in Thailand.
Bryan, pls take care, keep smiling n successful career.
God bless u, Bryan Gan Lao Shi
Hi Bryan, its not very safe in Thailand now. Remember to get hold of the Singapore embassy contact number in Thailand. Hope you have a safe trip.
Although I do not understand the Mandarin words but I agree with Miss Alyshah hanni that your ginger oil is of very good grade.
I have tried it personally and it had helped to relieve my ankle pain greatly.
Thanks a lot.
God bless.
You are soooo soooooo right!!!! BUT our Bryan Lao Shi is an individual not from any salons. That's why we as consumers get to benefit.
Mrs Kay
Hi Bryan,
MFA advised Singaporeans to postpone their travel plans to later date.
If Singaporeans intending to travel to thailand urgently, should closely monitor news developments there, says the MFA.
They should also take the necessary precautions for thier personal safety.
Should Singaporeans require assistance, they can contact the Singapore Embassy in Bangkok or the MFA Duly Office. Tel in Bangkok is 001-66-(81)844-3580, while the Singapore Tel 6379 8800.
God bless you.
Hi Bryan,
I really appreciate your kind thoughts to provide mandarin words.
I hope you can also consider starting a crystal class conducted in mandarin because my aunt is a crystal lover but she cannot understand English.
I am attending the one on 13 Sep.
My aunt is feeling quite disappointed that she can't attend it together with me. I am worried that I can't do a good job to explain to her after the class.
Hope you can consider my suggestion
Thank you.
Wow Teresa, that is so nice of you to share this info.
This blog is really a blog for sharing.
Bryan, I am so happy to hear you on radio again today.
Very Very Good!
The crystal class was a very fruitful lesson for me. Very easy to understand.
My mummy, my granny, aunty and uncles were standing by to hear the live program today. What took you so long to go on old folks miss your voice so much. They said Bryan is a very funny and interesting.
Great radio program today!
Hi Bryan, I wish you can also appear on English radio program as well. I believed you should be sharing a lot of great tips on air.
Fortunately your website and blog is just as informative. I can find a lot of useful tips from navigating around.
Bryan, I really hope you can avoid travelling to Thailand at this point of time. If you really need to go, please take very good care of yourself.
Bryan lao shi, with all the bad news flashing here and there, I hope you cancel your trip to thailand. Its too dangerous. We will miss you also. We don't want you to get stranded there.
Hope you can cancel or postphone the trip.
Lao shi, I will also miss you too. My god mother want me to tell you not to go. We are worried that you will be stuck there.
We still want to see you in next saturday crystal class leh
siew tin
Will pray for your safe return if you still need to go.
I am looking forward to tomorrow's Zao Bao. Make sure you come back safe and sound because I want your autograph on my notebook which has all your newspaper cuttings ok =>
Bryan, take care take care ok. So many people worried for you, you must come back safely. I also sign up for next week crystal class already. You must come back to pack oil for us. Haha!!!
I like your cold hand & feet set. I don't feel my hands and feet getting cold easily in my office now. And the 3 oil method is so good to use.
That's why I say you must come back safely in time because I have ordered another set from you for my sister-in-law.
Halo Bryan, I will keep a look out for tomorrow zao bao.
I also have the bodyache set and cold hand and feet set. Not bad pretty effective. I haven't have flu since I used it.
Hi Bryan,
After I sent the goodness of using Ginger Oil which creted by you to my sister in LA, USA, she wanted to know where to buy it, I think may be she can buy it at The Body Shop, but she wanted to know if you can post it to her?
Hi Bryan,I wonder where could I get these 姜 油 from and what's the price like :) Thanks anyone who reply me and take care.
All the best to u ;)
Attn: Vincent
U can click to for Bryan pricelist, product n introduction n how to use Bryan product n knowledge.
U can e-mail to for yr order of ginger oil fm Bryan via by Registered Mail or attend his Workshop/Seminar to buy yr ginger fm Bryan Lao Shi.
fm karen
Hi Bryan,
I would like to order 2 Bottles of Ginger Oil @$$38.00 from you and post to my sister in USA as mentioned before. As you will have Class on Saturday, 8 November 2008 at Civil Service Club. Can I collect from your secreatries after the class at around 12:30pm?
Teresa Chan
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