Spreading Happiness to people

It is not easy to conduct workshop in schools or companies as my workshop may be perceived as another lecture Zzzz....zzzz..... Hahahaaa.....Don't worry, I will always have hidden surprises for my participants because I always believed learning should be FUN, INFORMATIVE & CREATIVE in order to benefit :D

When I stepped into Peiying Primary school, I noticed it has a nice garden and a very good study environment. Teachers are fun and loving too.
Bryan: " It is always difficult to embrace new ideas, even more difficult to put them into practice. To make things easier for you, I urge every teachers to take the first step towards natural healing by visiting your school garden and perform VW exercise daily."
Bryan lao shi,
I really thought I will have to go through a lecture when my HR encouraged us to go for the lunch time talk organised by my company.
I was also feeling drowsy after my lunch but your charismatic style of teaching keeps me awake through out the whole session. As a matter of fact, before I realised it, the talk has come to an end.
My colleagues and I enjoyed your talk very much. We hoped to see you again soon :>
Hi Bryan,
I also enjoy your classes very much.
I have been using your clinical aroma oil since last year. They have proved their effectiveness.
I started using vita serum, celestial nite cream and facial scrub recently. They have further strengthen my faith in your products.
Oh yes. I am deeply in love with the nite cream and facial scrub. My skin feels soft and tender after using.
I am not sure about vita serum because I have sensitive skin. Bryan suggested I use anti-age serum instead and I thank him for his suggestion.
It is very hard to find something good for sensitive skin. Now I have found it, I will stick to it as long as Bryan continue to have it available.
Now I understand why you emphasis grounding is important. I do it whenever I remember. I liked your crystal class and practical class.
The 3 oil method using lavendula vera, peppermint and petitgrain has helped to release the tight tension on my neck and shoulder.
I like the refreshing aroma.
Thanks for the tips.
you hit the nail to the point.
Its so difficult to find a suitable serum for sensitive skin. And suitable might not mean good, it just suit the skin without causing redness or rashes.
I will also stick to Bryan's antiage serum as long as he has it. My skin become so much supple and fresh looking after using it.
For the first time, I tried lavendula vera on my scalded hand. It is not a big area but it sooths the burning sensation almost immediately.
A very good and high quality lavendula vera indeed.
Mrs Kay
Hi there Bryan.
The talk was good. All of us enjoyed your talk.
It was most interesting. I am surprised to see a young man with such great knowledge. You can go very far with your sincerity and passion. All the best.
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