Study and Parents [ Old Article but helpful ] 2005, 2010, 2017
This article was written in 2005, updated 3 times till 2010 and today 2017 HAhahah
Time flies... And all this PSLE students now are either married or working. And I receive many letters from mothers .
So omhealth will carry on to help many students:>
Updated Proven method used : U can create ur own method
Time flies... And all this PSLE students now are either married or working. And I receive many letters from mothers .
So omhealth will carry on to help many students:>
Updated Proven method used : U can create ur own method
2017 : Bryan Lao Shi Power Student Blend
Smooth Easy remember What u Study Blend
Ingredients:: When grapefruit , 5 element oil, bergamot and lavender mix .
- 3 drops omhealth Grapefruit Pink
- 5 drops 5 element oil
- 3 drops Bergamot
- 2 drops Lavendula vera
- 15 to 20ml rice bran oil: (sasa shop or muji shop) Small dropper bottle
Or u can in a 5ml bottle above oil put in 8 drops each . So this blend become concentrated blend. Add 3 drops to pail warm water shower.
2.) Calm and Concentrated Blend
- 4 drops lavender EO
- 2 drops bergamot EO
- 2 drops rose geranium
- 8 Drops Cedarwood
- 5 drop Rosemary:
- Combine oils in a 15ml rice bran oil dropper bottle
If not mix
10 drops lavender, 10 drops bergamot, 5 drops rose geranium and 20 drops cedarwood and 15 drops rosemary in a 5ml small dropper bottle. Use this blend a drop in tissue or add water shower.
2010 Article:
Super cannot concentrate study until Angry Remedies:
1 drop peppermint, 1 drop lavendula vera in 20 cent size coin cream mix and massage direct to neck shoulder.
Study until stomach bloated
1 drop lavendula , 1 drop peppermint in 20 cent size coin cream , mix and massage tummy
Go exam hall nervous:2 drop lemon 1 drop eucalytpus in tissue, put in pocket and inhale.
Poor memory when study:
1 drop peppermint, 1 drop lavendula vera in 20 cent size coin cream mix and massage direct to neck shoulder.
Study until stomach bloated
1 drop lavendula , 1 drop peppermint in 20 cent size coin cream , mix and massage tummy
Go exam hall nervous:2 drop lemon 1 drop eucalytpus in tissue, put in pocket and inhale.
Poor memory when study:
1 drop rosemary , 2 drop lemon , in tissue inhale when needed.
Feeling stress, cant sleep:
Feeling stress, cant sleep:
2 drop lavendula vera , 2 drop lemon in warm water hand bath for 15mins, when needed. Press shen men point.
Exam period , everytime sinus and cant focus:
Exam period , everytime sinus and cant focus:
1 drop lavendula vera, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop lemon and 1 drop peppermint in tissu, half fold it, and inhale from tissue few times)

[This article was uploaded 2 years ago, I found it ahhaha. Ok simple, stress due to studies, just inhale the study oil and do a hand bath] The key thing is during exam, applyone drop of the oil onto tissue and keep in pencil case. The smell will calm a person's mind, and allow one to remember what was being studied at home.
2008--- article by Bryan 老师
I think school children are facing much more stress now as compared to my time as a student...
I can't image how they cope with all their projects, homework, activities etc. They have so many things to do. I can almost understand how a primary school children feel. Sometimes, I wonder if MOE take into account of the emotional level of these young children or even their parents and teachers.
I think life as a kid was much simpler and less stressful during the 70s, 80s or 90s. Although I have to admit that our competitive educational system produced smarter kids but with so much news report on teenage violence..doing silly things due to depression etc, it seems that they are facing a lot of stress.... Let's bring in love and attention to their lifes. I am not sure whether the new generation will appreciate aromatherapy and herbs. I hope parents can start to infuse some knowledge on natural therapies into the family lifes :)
Bryan's Study on Stress release and proven good results....
In this way, essential oils can dramatically affect physical and mental well being, including the ability to remember, focus and relax. A student might well benefit from practical skills like these.
Study Oil: Lavendula Vera, Peppermint, Lemon Sweet, Rosemary V and Eucalyptus Radiata(Best Eucalyptus)
Massage method:Direction of use:1 drop of each oil into 15ml rice bran oil, or about 30ml to 50ml of Aloe Vera gel or body lotion. Mix well and apply on your neck and shoulder before you start studying.
Use a bit each time and you can store the balance in your drawer.
Tissue method: (or any combination ur kids like)
1 drop of Rosemary oil, 1 drop of Lemon oil onto tissue and 1 drop peppermint
Place it on study table or bring to school when study.
While studying at night, apply one drop of Eucalyptus oil and one drop of Lemon oil onto tissue. Inhale a few times and put on study table.
Do Hand bath 3 times a week.
A drop of each of the above oil into a bowl of warm water for hand bath to relax mind . HAndbath helps to release all frustrations created from studies.
A MUST: When exam, use the tissue method and handbath.
You can either apply 1 drop of each oil onto a piece of tissue and put inside your pencilcase OR stick the scened tissue onto your blowing fan before you start to study. You can also add 2 drops of each into 30ml olive oil or rice bran oil. Mix well, massage your back with the mixture. This is because during your exam, once you open your pencil case, the smell will calm you and remind you of what you have studied at home.
Don't worry, you don't need to wear a wreath to the classroom. Before studying, take a few moments to massage an appropriate oil or oil blend (properly diluted) onto the back of your neck and shoulders. OR use an oil diffuser on your desk, or mist the air with an essential oil room spray while you study and inhale deeply. When you're getting ready for school - especially on the day of the exam - place a cotton ball or handkerchief . Before you take the exam, take the cotton ball and inhale the aroma. Or place the cotton ball on your desk. Use scents that can aid relaxation and memory.
Parents can help their kids in school using aromatherapy too. In a UK preschool, an aromatherapist offered aromatherapy massages for children with special needs to help them prepare for mainstream schools. Many parents commented the massages have helped their children feel more at ease and stay healthier.
Massages may not be part of the typical American curriculum, but teenage students get to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Try an aromatherapy massage before school to calm an anxious youngster, or have a scented cotton ball or scented handkerchief for your students. You can chose essential oil that helps to calm or improve alertness especially after lunch or where there's a lag in mental and physical energy.
Super cannot concentrate study until Angry Remedies:
1 drop peppermint, 1 drop lavendula vera in 20 cent size coin cream mix and massage direct to neck shoulder.
Study until stomach bloated
1 drop lavendula , 1 drop peppermint in 20 cent size coin cream , mix and massage tummy
Go exam hall nervous:
2 drop lemon 1 drop eucalytpus in tissue, put in pocket and inhale.
Poor memory when study: 1 drop rosemary , 2 drop lemon , in tissue inhale when needed.
Feeling stress, cant sleep: 2 drop lavendula vera , 2 drop lemon in warm water hand bath for 15mins, when needed.
Exam period , everytime sinus and cant focus: 1 drop lavendula vera, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop lemon and 1 drop peppermint in tissu, half fold it, and inhale from tissue few times)
NB: Fresh oil arrived. The lovely scent of sweet lemon and euclayptus radiata really brighten my day. To place any order,
neroli oil is wonderful. The smell enable me to sleep deep.
Hi Bryan Lao Shi,
I like your Lemon oil very much. Its smell very fresh and I always use it together with Lavendula vera and Eucalytus oil for my kids to boost up their immune system.
Otherwise, they will have running nose every now and then.
Bryan, my daughter like the smell of grapefruit pink a lot. I will let her do a grapefruit pink oil with lavendula oil footbath 3 times a week before she sleep.
I think it makes her more relax and she sleeps better everytime she did the footbath.
I was very unsure about aromatherapy and didn't believe it would work, until my cousin gave me the 3 bottles of oil for my aching shoulder pain. Before she gave me your oils, I was using medicated plaster which is very unsightly and painful to remove.
The combination of the 3 oils marjoram, lavendula vera and peppermint is fantastic.
Frances Lee
At this time of bad year, u re still climbing high. I really think your crystal are working well.
I have your mala and it brings me alot of calmness.
Is so beautiful to look at daily.
Thanks laoshi
The smell of the Neroli oil is really comforting and sensual.
I fell asleep very fast whenever I applied it on my face.
we thank you for the lemongrass oil. It drives away the unwelcome bugs and flies when we brought our children for camping.
We have no more worries about getting bugs bites in future when we plan for our camping trip.
Mr & Mrs Kay
Bryan, thk u for specially selected hearted shaped bracelet that it has solved my finanical problem n locked my saving at last. They have solved my obstacle one by one n all my wishes have came true.
Bryan, thk u for Amethyst Mala with 2 Dzi, Gui Bag n Sheng Qi Generator Piyao. My Piyao is Tigereye. I love my Tianchu n smoky quartz.
I have fully recovered fm insomina, sleep very well, more energetic, cheerful, sporty n played with expensive breed dogs fm my customer n friends nowaday.
Yeah, i am happy n looking forward to attend my Yoga lesson with my beautiful purple Yoga mat next wk. I have made donation to the Buddhist Charity Organization.
Bryan, thk u so much.
fm Sweety Baby
Hi Mr Bryan,
I have received my order and I am very satisfied.
Now my house smell good and have a relaxing atmosphere with lovely smell of Frankincense.
I love the quality of your aroma oils. I use peppermint all the time to smell or a little bit on temples for stress relief before the headache.
I also love breathing the air whenever I use your tissue method on my aircon. Its very comforting and relaxing.
I also notice a faster recovery whenever there is somebody sick at home.
Thanks so much, Bryan for all your knowledgeable advice.
Bryan LaoShi,
I am a very kiasu mother. I follow your method and tape a tissue with either 5 elements oil or grapefruit pink with lavendula oil to the fan and put the amethyst mala beside my daughter's pillow during her exam or test period.
She can sleep better and did not have any running nose or blocked nose when she woke up in the morning. Even if she has sinus, it has been reduced to very minimum times, sometimes once a month which is already very good result to me.
After I see these good effects, I tend to use the tissue method and put the mala besides her almost every night now.
I thank you for always providing very useful informations on your blog. My 11 years old daughter also pick up the usages and benefits of your oils because she see the results.
Kiasu mother
I am so happy with the gd result that i knew how to use hand, foot bath for gd bld circulation, DIY body scrub to scrub away dead body cell that my health has improved n skin/face complexion more radiant each day.
I am very allergy to strong perfume bec it will make my nose uncomfortable n sneezing immediately. I love yr 5 element aroma oil to smell with my nose.
Bryan, my nose super sensitive to streaming, pressing n sneezing that i have difficult breathing.
Bryan, i have rushed home to wear my Amethyst Mala that it has helped me to breathe properly n eased my discomfort to go for my facial.
Bryan, i must wear or bring along my Mala n Bracelet with me anywhere i go in future.
Who are you to judge MOE education system. Because of this system, we are number one in many areas.
To Den:
Bryan is only speaking for most parents. I am a parent and I know that kids are now so stress with their school work.Bryan is only trying to let parents know of natural ways to relieve stress.It is true that we are one in many ways but it is also a fact that kids are so stress that it has affect them mentally!Pls don't pass judgement!
Hi Den.
Yes, it is very true that nowaday our youngster/young student r physically n mentally exhausted by MOE system. They have less free time to enjoy life in this stressful society in Sin.
Our young generation do not help out with simple housework at home at all. They r truly very self-centred at such young age.
Den, can i ask one question how can We(parent) depend on them to take gd care of us at old age or dump us at Old Folk Home?
Hi Den.
U are right to say that our MOE system has lead us to many no 1. But Bryan is not passing any judgement.
Anyway, it is a fact that school children are so stressed with their studies nowadays. I am a parent and I know that when I look at the papers and homework.
Please do not be so sensitive and work up.
Mrs Kay
Time flies in 2008 my child was in poly. Now army and pass his results with flying colors.
Ur oil works... and should recommend to MOE ahhahaha
thanks lao shi
i love this repost!! i'm going for my part time degree course this sept.. sure need this study oil!!
BTW, is there a great difference if we use Rose Geranium instead of rosemary ?
HI cynthis, rose geranium can replace lavendula interchangable.
For study rosemary is the key ah....
Hello Den,
Yup!number 1 in many areas BUT IQ,EQ FAIL.
ooo thanks laoshi.. then i better get both Rosemary oil & Lemon oil... dun wanan take any risks...
BTW, i love ur anti age serum... it's great!! will start to get more pdts after finishing the current ones..
Den , ur IQ and EQ failed because u dont know how to read , is a post to help people release stress. I think u belong those complaint group. U need Palmelo leave to wash ur mouth and brain.
Hi Mei Hui,
We must forgive Den bec everybody will make a mistake & nobody is perfect. We must learn how to release my emotional blockage by practising more Breathing Exercise & make Donation to the needy or poor ppl who really need our help.
We must not remember our grudge or unhappiness & learned to let go. We shld end this discussion/debate regarding Education System in Sin. Life is short & precious. The blog belongs to Bryan. We shld show more respect for him as our teacher in Sin.
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