Testimonial for Study Oil
STUDY OIL ARE Lavendula vera oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus radiata oil , Peppermint oil

Examination periods are stressful period to both parents and children. Over the past 10 years during this period of time, I will share a very good effective method to help stressful parents and children. This sms was sent to me yesterday and it brightened up my day the moment I saw it.
Study Oil : Lavendula vera oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus radiata oil ,Peppermint oil
Apply the above oil on tissue and keep in pencil case helps to calm students and achieve good results.....
Or the lavendula , peppermint with cream, kwa sa or massage neck shoulders....
Can somebody share how to take care of the wooden comb bought from Bryan ?
Thank you.
U no need to wash this wooden comb at all.
U just add a drop of Lavendula Vera & Rosemary Spanish & gently rub into yr Wooden Comb once a wk.
U can use this Wooden Comb to Kwa Sa your Feng Men Xue.
Can i know any one of the oil can be used as a study oil or must I mixed all of them together ?
Hi Bryan,
I have just discovered that stepping stone can cure & gently massaged our Yong Chuan Xue for Dull Skin & Tirdiness at the Natural Park.
I am so afraid of blood & needle. Ouch, it is so painful by stepping the stone for a few minutes. I have focused my attention away by listerning a few nice sound track in Music Therapy. I have stretched my hand for balancing by stepping stone at the Natural Park.
U can refer to Older Post dated 12/8/10 for Bryan's Student & Parents Oil.
Bryan has spelled out A-z how to use study oil, please refer to right hand menu under study oil
Anonymous at 10:29AM, Aug 31
Thanks for sharing the information.
But i have washed the wooden comb twice because i found dirt on the comb after used for some time.
Thereafter i found the wooden comb texture not the same as before am wondering was it spoiled.
Can the wooden comb be washed?
The wooden need to be washed.
I used to comb over my shampooed hair or used a toothbrush to brush the comb. Then dry with towel and air dried before adding the 2 essential oils.
Sorry typo mistake it should be Anonymous at 10:18AM, Aug 31
Hi Anonymous at 9:35 PM
Thank you.
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