Tuesday, July 14, 2009

DIY kwa sa

I am quite worried with the number of female getting Cyst and breast cancer. This can actually be prevented if you can perform simple acupressure, kwa sa or porridge recipes. Stagnant Liver "Qi" is a cause of cyst too.

Apply Rose lotion and use the Kwa sa Plate to Kwa below inner knee cap downwards daily for 30 times. Orange Milk is designed to clear stagnant Liver Qi. Thus, you can use it as a daily lotion for your legs and body. It give your skin a health glow.

This kwa sa method 主治:腹痛,腹胀,泄泻,痢疾,水肿,黄疸,小便不利,遗尿,尿失禁,阴部痛,痛经,膝痛。现多用于急、慢性肠炎,细菌性痢疾,腹膜炎,尿潴留,尿失禁,尿路感染,阴道炎,膝关节及周围软组织疾患等

FAMOUS PORRIDGE for preventing breast cancer, stomach cancer :>
原料:250g 新鲜红薯 sweet potatoe(red),60g 粳米 rice. Make porridge.

Orange body milk (free from harmful chemicals ) and Kwa Sa plate at $50.


lili said...

nice legs ahahahha is it urs laoshi. I am convince this orange milk is good....

Anonymous said...

whahaha... yeah is bryan's leg. Using his products can also make our legs so beautiful too.... hehehe


Anonymous said...

wa pian eh...Bryan, your leg is the envy of many women.


Unknown said...

Hi bryan. I love the lotion the very moment I pour some on my hand. It smells exactly like fresh oranges. It moisturised my skin very nicely.