Monday, January 11, 2010

Do not neglect Your SKIN

One tend to neglect taking care of your skin because you may not see the effect of ageing very obviously. However, do you know there are 7 billion molecular toxins accumulated each day in all layers of your skin?
Our skin will age but we can slow down the aging process.
This is what I do personally:
A) Quaker cereal with Goji seeds, is a daily must for good strong skin.
B) Kampong chicken soup. Consume at least twice a week for collagen supply.
C) Twice a year take Royal jelly with honey. (Each set is only $163 I bought from API Honey because its fresh and natural, with free delivery. They will teach you how to drink. The amount last for many months. Spend $163 a year on good quality Royal Jelly with honey is better than anyhow buying supplements to eat. 4th feb 2010 is the Lap Chun day. It is a day to take Royal jelly whereby our body will benefit a lot. Because it is a year whereby the bazhi lack of water and fire. SO taking Royal jelly will nourish the lost water, raise your body antioxidant level and increase luck too. You can sms 96523139 to order. I just place my order from this company. Of course, you can buy from outside, make sure it is from freezer and fresh. Do not eat the pill form.

WAKE UP, BEAUTIFUL SLEEP DIY: Famous antiage set: $205
Learn to sleep by 11pm. The skin collagen production is the most optimal between 11pm to 1am. This is the time you apply your Antiage-serum and collagen moisturiser.

Antiage cleanser: Protects and retains skin's natural moisture.
Lavendula vera Charcoal flora water: Tone, repair skin; More than a miracle water.
Antiage Serum: Contains all beneficial antioxidants. Enable you to have a smoother, supple and more youthful skin on the following day.
Collagen Moisturiser repairs the effects of free radical environmental stress, minimising fine lines and loss of elasticity.

Optional: Before applying the above skin care products, you can do a detox mask using green clay twice a week, to purge and recharge your skin for a clear and brighter complexion.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,
Correction Item B) should read as
kampong chicken soup and not soap.

*Bryan Gan* said...

Anonymous, thanks so much for pointing out my spelling mistakes =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,

After applying green clay mask followed by the eye and face mask, my skin really look brighter. thank you.
