Monday, February 20, 2012

Natural Beauty : At 40, 50 , 60 and 70

This blog has been around for many years. I always forgot there are many new readers to my blog every day. The numbers of readers are increasing tremendously everyday. Its really nice to know people from all walks of lifes :) Most importantly, many of you saw an improvement in their health and skin :)

I hope all newcomers can attend "Health & Beauty with Bryan Part ONE" on 26 May 2012 at National Library Possibilty room. This workshop will be a very good start for all newcomers.
It will be even more beneficial for you to attend "Health & Beauty with Bryan" as well :)

To all new readers:

I started off with the creations of the 3 oil combination for anti bodyache using Lavendula Vera, Peppermint and Petitgrain/Majoram with cream in 1999. Followed by two very popular skin care products, which are also well known as Antiage Serum and Skin Vita Serum.

Its chemical free and fresh, with herbs,flowers to brighten skin slowly and naturally. Bryan's skin serum has been well received by 2000 faithful users as part of their routine beauty care since 2007. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Everybody is glowing with happiness :)

Facial Serum : Antiage serum (Day time); Skin Vita Serum (Night time)

Antiage serum: concentrated, easily absorbed and infused with pure antioxidants flora to help improve skin texture, softening fine dehydrated lines and restore a healthy, dewy complexion. This serum is oil free. Suitable for all skin types.

Skin Vita Serum: Advance skin care for flawless complexion that glows with a youthful radiance. Brighten naturally without damaging your skin, lighten freckles and even out skin tone day by day. Helps to restore the healthy glow of your skin.
Product details:

Latest News:
Certain skin care that promised instant skin renewal and brightening is not good for skin. Long term usage may result in dull skin and skin allergy. If you want to have nice skin, start to use fresh, chemical free and gentle skin care now...

If your skin has went through chemical peel but become very sensitive thereafter, try using Lavendula Vera flora water and neroli facial oil for a month. Your skin will return back to normal condition.

All ladies who tried and came to my class and said, " Bryan lao shi's skin serum is good"
Words of mouth is most powerful. I spent a lot on Fedex for my products because I believed in using only fresh products.

Time can tell. B ryan has worked very hard since 1995, day by day to build up OMHEALTH and uphold my beliefs in natural therapy through the use of fresh and good quality products.
My aim is to bring happiness and Joy to all. Bryan is a very straight forward person. "Putting on a mask" in my emails/smses is never my way of doing things. Sometimes I can be very direct in my replies but hope you understand that I don't mean to be rude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan
Your "Marine Collagen Skin Repair Cream" seem to have a scar lightening effect on me. :)
Good product!