Sunday, February 19, 2012

Many with sinus and morning running nose recover ^^

There are many information pertaining to sinus posted in this blog, look for the label "Sinus"

Recommended main oil are Lavendula vera and Eucalyptus radiate. Optional oil includes Lemon and Peppermint.

Personally I felt that if sinus has been torturing you for years, get the 4 oil and play around. So far, the feedback for the past 10 years has been pretty good

An email testimonial :

"Hi Bryan, I had applied it 2 days for my son & he is not having running nose in the morning le.... now my hubby asks me to do for him as he also suffering from sinus more than 20
Thanks a lot... "
Mdm Anonymous, the main oil use is Lavendula vera, Eucalyptus radiata... remember the hair dryer method. Its super power.

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