Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Exciting feedback -- Beeeee Happy

A feedback from you means a lot to me. Its even better then inviting a SUPER STAR to introduce my product :p

Juey Mui works in Orchard: LaoShi the peptide 7 Gel is very special, the fine lines I have in my face reduced so much. Have tried so many creams but this peptide 7 Gel works wonder. I have tried Lamer.... etc but ..... [This was extracted from our conversation just now] I am receiving more feedbacks with pictures wow.... Thank you

Hmmm Thank you. Peptide 7 has been launched for 2 months. Countless of encouraging feedback received during this short period of time. I believed business should be built on long term relationship and trust; definitely not just a one time business. Therefore, I focus a lot on research and product quality. I thank all my customers who have been with me since I set up Omhealth...we grew up together :) Have known you ladies when you all are as young as mid twenties till now a gorgeous mother at your mid thirties with kids.

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