Friday, July 2, 2010

Bryan's Oversea: News

Bryan was invited to Bintan to give a speech and demo on kwa sa and Prana Qi Gong Touch therapy next week. Attendees are international therapists....Hhhehehe..... New project after activating the Gui Ren star....Yeah!

2) Bryan has a new project to ISO certified a company in KL in September.

3) Bryan will be going KL to give a talk on "大家拜拜来好运" to media. Are you missing out this famous class " 大家拜拜来好运" on 4 Sep ?


Anonymous said...


going to miss your blog when you are away next week :-(

Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan wishing u all the best in yr seminar. Blessings be with you always. U r always a guiren to others.