Saturday, June 13, 2015

Cancer Support Page

omhealth will have a label page for cancer support informations. It is important to have this page as it will help many.

All these years, I have friends , relatives suffer from cancer etc. Some relapse. ranging from some even take organic food and also very careful, also relapse. Sometimes is difficult to handle.

And devastated. So far, informations I gathered, it can be genetic, heng suay , some are just unhealthy lifestyle and most important emotions.

Presently very busy gathering information and helping out many who send queries. And I am glad many put effort to pray for omhealth to be able to find good information and is all on the way.

Hopefully this page include information gathered from all my nutritionist friends, TCM doctors and also foodcure and aromatherapy herbs.

Remember at all times, cancer patient, need alot of support but also you shouldnt, overload them with information and stress them.

There is a saying a smooth flow of  energy in Liver can prevent relapse of many cancer.

Overworries do no good. Also in the market there are alot of so call supplements may be very expensive but are they doing good to cancer patient. No one know. But i believe in having a more clean , relax heart to handle and also more alkaline food. And not too cooling or heaty food.

Those who are in good health, contribute to society, dont be a person that always give people stress and worries.

I am glad that now, most of the students are matured and send proper email to ask questions. Thank you.

Anyone who have this experience or friends, what they eat before and after cancer or chemo, do email to, this informations are very valuable to help people.

Upcoing 30th August 2015 18th Year Anniversary talk which have limited seats will touch on these topic also. to register

Admin: leng leng.

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