21 Sep Full House/ Venue
Since April i have been working daily from 5am plus to late night. Wanted to rest abit but i could not. I apologise that lately i couldnt reply your emails fast like last time. Because each day i have 70 + emails. And if for one day i dont reply it accumulated to hundreds...
Do listen to my live interview on FM 97.2 on Wednesday 2 to 3 pm with Violet, I will be introducing a new flower tea :)
Although I work long hours, I still look radiant right (thick skin)? Hahaha...that's because I make it a point to make healthy soup to drink at night to maintain health and press my Zu San Li every morning. "Si Shen" soup is a good soup for very busy people, fatigue prevention and to improve sleep. I will explain in details on the properties of each herbs used in the soup, during my workshop on 21 Sep.
Hi Bryan Laoshi,
Shi Shen soup can drink every nite? Not "liang" mah?
May I know where is the Zu San Li?
Hi anonymous 1:32pm, u can find your ans at Bryan laoshi's post on August 15 2007
Hi, thanks fot your reply..
I asked bout the vein issue earlier on..
10ml coconut oil
2 drop rosemary,
drop lavendula,
1 drop grapefruit pink. Mix well,
where to get these ingredients?
sorry to trouble u. =)
Hi anonymous 1.47pm, I found it liao. thks! from 1.32pm.
Hi all,
I believe many of us have benefited from Bryan's various talks & workshops. We see his hardwork & his knowledge is undeniable. Each time he organises a talk, he has to see that everything goes right so that all of us enjoy and benefit from it. Thus we shd reciprocate by at least turning up on time, refrain from bringing mother, maid, kid or whoever you did not register with Bryan. In this way, things will be easier for Bryan and he can deliver his talk with his utmost.
I hope you all do agree. Thanks.
Hi Anonymous 3:07, u can order those oils from Bryan laoshi, just email to him info@omhealth.com giving your contact, he will contact you.
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